How to keep cool at home during the hot weather

One of the biggest challenges during a heatwave is keeping cool and staying chilled - despite the soaring temperatures. The heat can be stifling for some - with many people searching for a welcome respite from the scorching sunshine. Here are some tops tips on staying cool...

Keep the ice cube tray filled

Be it for soothing gin and tonics or to wrap in a tea towel and use as a cold compress. Just do not be the person who abandoned the ice cube tray in the sink, rather than popping it back in the freezer ready for the next round.

Dig out the paddling pool (or a bucket)

If you’re lucky enough to have some outdoor space, dig out the paddling pool from last summer, hose it down and fill it up. Failing that, some buckets of water to dunk hot feet in will do the trick.

Buy ice-pops

Or make them. A fruity ice lolly will take the edge off teenage disputes, working from home nightmares, and toddlers that have become hot and grouchy.

Run a cool bath

Leaving a few inches of cold water in the bath all day will mean the bathroom stays cool, and anyone suffering with the heat can just splash their face, trail their wrists in it, have a paddle or soak a flannel for their forehead in it.

Turn the hose on and play with water pistols

Water fights are a total joy – whatever your age. And bound to get everyone thoroughly soaked.

Keep the curtains closed during the day

If your rooms are prone to getting hot and stuffy, rather than opening your curtains first thing, keep them closed. It’ll ward off the sun, meaning the temperature should stay down inside.

Open the windows at night

To help you sleep, and to cool down the house, open your windows wide during the night. It’ll allow a breeze to circulate through your home – and if you keep your curtains shut the next day, you’ll hopefully be able to retain some of that cool air too.

Get the fans down from the loft

Not so worried about your electricity bill? Dig out your summer fans and maximise their arctic properties by placing a bowl of iced water in front of them.

Treat home like the beach – wear sunblock and sun hats

You might not be relaxing on the sand and dipping your toes in the sea, but the same principles to staying cool and safe apply. Don sun hats and sunglasses, and keep everyone topped up with SPF.

Create shade

If your outdoor space is limited to a very hot back step, rig up a sheet overheard as a cooling canopy. If the kids are going to be playing in the garden and you don’t have any shade, build a den with chairs and bed sheets so they can escape the sun. And try and keep everyone inside during the hottest part of the day (bribe them with ice pops if necessary).

Freeze bottles of water and cloths for compresses

Pop water bottles in the freezer over night, for a supply of ice cold drinks throughout the next day. Same goes for cold compresses and ice blocks.

Enforce a siesta

It’s too hot outside, go on, take a nap!