Keir Starmer has fired the starting gun on the next Labour civil war

Diane Abbott
Diane Abbott

The Diane Abbott saga has not been Keir Starmer’s finest hour. And as events develop, it is threatening to deal the Labour leader a serious reputational blow to his authority.

Even some who might be expected to support the Labour leader have been expressing doubts about the way the Hackney MP has been treated, first subject to an excessively lengthy internal investigation over dubious remarks she made in a letter to a newspaper, then given back the Labour whip only to reportedly be told she would not be allowed to stand again as a Labour candidate.

Now, perhaps panicked by criticism even from loyalists such as shadow health secretary Wes Streeting, Starmer has announced that, wait a minute – the decision to bar Abbott as a candidate hasn’t been taken yet.

It has previously been suggested that Abbott had been prepared to stand down with dignity provided the whip was returned to her, but somewhere along the line, the party’s taste for performative strong-arm discipline got the better of both the leader’s office and the party chief whip.

So now, no one’s happy. The country’s first ever black female MP could end her 37-year parliamentary career under the shadow of humiliation. The trouble was that her actions served as an unwelcome reminder to voters that the anti-Semitism that had dogged Jeremy Corbyn’s time as Labour leader remained a problem for the party even after Starmer took over.

Abbott may have a lot of support among certain London-based Labour activists, and there’s no doubting that she was a trailblazer for black women. But in the rest of the country and in most of the Labour Party, she has been at best a divisive character. Her now infamous claim that Mao Zedong “did more good than harm” may have reflected historical ignorance more than anything more sinister, but it played into the hands of critics who feared that Labour had lost all sense of moral purpose as well as political direction.

As a shadow frontbencher under Ed Miliband in 2012, Abbott caused a storm by suggesting that “white people love playing ‘divide and rule’” during an online conversation about black representation. Had a white politician said something similar about black people, they would have been immediately removed from any official position, but Abbott remained in post. Defending her decision to send her son to a private fee-paying school, despite having criticised others for doing the same, Abbott said: “West Indian mums will go to the wall for their children,” she told interviewer Andrew Neil, with the suggestion that other mothers were less committed to their offspring.

There are undoubtedly some who might welcome an announcement by Abbott that she is following the decision of her long-time friend and ally, Corbyn, to stand as an independent at the general election, although Abbott herself has so far insisted she will campaign for a Labour victory. Such a development on its own would cause Starmer no problems; but doubling the number of high-profile former Labour MPs standing as independents – and whose victories could not be ruled out – would risk creating an unflattering narrative of a leader (and perhaps prime minister) whose hubris and heavy-handedness cost the party two formerly safe London constituencies.

But it is worth bearing in mind that, however much of an inspiration Abbott has been to black women and girls, her contribution to national politics has been mixed. As a long-standing member of the Socialist Campaign Group of Labour MPs, she has been a reliable critic of Labour governments and Labour leaders (Jeremy Corbyn excepted, of course). It is ironic that Abbott is reported to have been “delighted” by the news that her party whip was being reinstated, given how frequently she has defied it during her political career.

Labour members who perhaps feel under pressure from activists to say something supportive of Abbott should think again about helping to create a divisive and potentially damaging narrative around this latest drama. They should revisit not just some of Abbott’s absurd public comments over the years, but the letter that led to her suspension from the whip when it was published in April 2023. In it she dismissed the notion that Jewish people suffer from racism “all their lives”, a comment that both reinforced the pernicious idea that there is a hierarchy of racism, and confirmed that anti-Semitism was still a problem in the Labour party.

Ultimately, Labour will benefit from the absence of Corbyn and Abbott. If Starmer backtracks now and allows Abbott to remain a Labour candidate, no one will believe that he has done so for any reason other than fear of a rebellion or criticism at a sensitive point in the general election campaign. He has benefited in the past by sticking to his, occasionally unpopular, stance of meting out well-deserved discipline. If he can quell this modest uprising among his own supporters, that is a small price to pay for decisive and overdue action.