Keira Knightley's 2 Children: Everything to Know

Keira Knightley
Keira Knightley

Suzan Moore/PA Images via Getty

Keira Knightley is raising two little girls.

The actress shares two daughters with her husband James Righton. The couple first became parents in 2015 with the birth of daughter Edie. In 2019, they welcomed their second child, Delilah.

Though Knightley keeps her children out of the spotlight, she has discussed her young daughters in interviews.

"The love thing is astonishing," she told Elle of the emotions that come with motherhood. "It's a very primal, primal love. That's quite extraordinary."

In January 2019, the Pride & Prejudice actress got candid about her experience as a mother, admitting that she was finding things "difficult" despite her "privilege."

"I don't think we give women enough credit for the physical and emotional marathon they go through when becoming a mother," she said in an interview with Balance magazine.

"I come from a place of amazing privilege. I have an incredible support system; I've been unbelievably lucky in my career; I can afford good childcare, and yet I still find it really f------ difficult," she said, before explaining that statement "doesn't mean I don't love my kid."

"It's okay to say that," she added. "It's just me admitting that the sleep deprivation, the hormonal changes, the shift in relationship with my partner, are all things that make me feel as if I'm failing on a daily basis."

Although she has admitted the difficulties that arose with raising toddlers, Knightley is already looking ahead to her kids' future — starting with their fashion choices.

Speaking to PEOPLE in 2022, the Love Actually actress opened up about how she plans to hand down outfits she's worn throughout her career to her two daughters.

"I've been working for Chanel for a very long time, and I'm very lucky that I've got some great Chanel pieces, so, at some point, I'm sure they can raid the wardrobe and get those," said Knightley.

While the actress is keen to offer her girls her favorite designer pieces, she hopes that they forge their own paths when it comes to style and self-expression, too.

"I really hope that they don't listen to me when they're teenagers and they pile [makeup] on their faces and they do completely extraordinary punk-like things because that's the point of being a teenager," Knightley added.

Here's everything to know about Keira Knightley's two daughters.

Edie Knightley Righton, 7

Knightley gave birth to her first child — a daughter named Edie — on May 25, 2015.

"She's great in every way. She's obviously a genius, and obviously the best child in the entire world. And very well made," Knightley previously told PEOPLE about her older daughter. "But yeah, I'm very lucky. She's great. She's totally great."

Edie's personality shone through from a very young age, including several faux pas that have left her mom and dad cracking up.

The youngster famously said her first curse word the night Donald Trump won the 2016 U.S. presidential election — and the second occasion was just as memorable. In an exclusive interview with PEOPLE, Knightley admitted that Edie dropped the f-bomb after her dad nearly crashed the car.

"It was one of those country roads where it's a blind corner, and suddenly there's another car coming," she explained. "The brakes got put on and there wasn't a crash, but there was a silence just afterwards and this little voice went, 'Daddy, is that when you say f---?' "

"It was very polite," continued Knightley. "Other than that, she has never said any — there's not been any swear words. So it's just twice, and both times perfectly."

Knightley has admitted that Edie isn't particularly interested in her movies, but it's something she's "totally fine" with.

"I did a version of The Nutcracker a couple of years ago, and she actually came on set with me to that one when she was 3, so I thought, 'Oh, this year maybe she wants to watch that?' " she revealed to PEOPLE in 2022. "[But] she said 'No.' "

"So she is completely uninterested in seeing me in any way at all on television, which is completely fair enough," Knightley added. "I think that's very healthy."

Whether Edie will be following in her mom's star-studded footsteps is unknown; it's certainly not at the top of the youngster's list of priorities at the moment.

"She wanted to be a dentist, and now apparently she's been to the zoo and she wants to be a gorilla. So we'll see," Knightley told PEOPLE in 2018. "I'm hoping for a dentist. It might be a bit tricky if she wanted to be a gorilla when she grew up."

Delilah Knightley Righton, 3

Knightley's younger daughter, Delilah, was born on Sept. 13, 2019.

Delilah was eager to explore from an early age, as Knightley explained that the tot began walking well before her 1st birthday.

"We went into lockdown when she was about six months [old], so she's had a very strange life," Knightley told Jimmy Fallon during a Tonight Show interview. "And that sort of involved my then-4-year-old, who turned 5 in lockdown, running around [her baby sister] a lot, because we couldn't go out."

Perhaps as a result, "The baby, who I thought would be [sitting] and very easy to look after for quite a while, at 9 months, just decided to get up and start walking," she added. "I think, at any other point, if we hadn't been locked down, I would've been like, 'Whoa, my kid's a genius!' And as it was, I was just like, 'Sit the f--- down. We are not ready for this, as well.' "

Now 3 years old, Deliah and her sister are fans of Disney+, Knightley told PEOPLE in 2022.

"Encanto is really big in our house. I mean, massive," she said. "Even my 2-year-old can sing 'We Don't Talk About Bruno,' so there's a lot of Encanto."