Kenton man who poses high risk of harm to partners jailed for two attacks on girlfriend

Shakeel Khan, jailed for assaulting his partner
-Credit: (Image: Northumbria Police)

A violent boyfriend who poses a high risk of harm to partners has been jailed after attacking his girlfriend twice in the space of a few weeks.

Shakeel Khan was spotted assaulting the woman in a car after a passer-by heard her screams and saw him hitting her. Having been bailed for that, he then assaulted her again, leaving her in a hysterical state in CCTV footage played in court as he was sentenced.

Now Khan, 33, of Bywood Walk, Kenton, Newcastle, has been locked up at Newcastle Crown Court.

It was in the early hours of April 10 this year that a man who didn't know Khan or his partner walked past their car near the Seaburn Inn hotel, in Seaburn, and heard the woman screaming inside the vehicle and saw Khan slapping and punching her in the face.

She was screaming for him to let her go and asked the passer-by to phone the police. The public-spirited man confronted Khan, who claimed the woman had attacked him and asked him not to call the police but he did so anyway.

The woman tried to run away but Khan chased after her and grabbed her by the neck and pulled her back and tried to force her back into the car then tried to kiss her. After an incident lasting around ten minutes, they both walked off towards the hotel.

Police attended the hotel and arrested Khan, who had a tub of cannabis in his possession. The woman said at that point it had been a drunken verbal argument.

Khan was bailed but on May 19 he assaulted the woman again and CCTV shows her in a distressed and "hysterical" state outside his house. He chased her and kicked her legs away, causing her to fall to the floor.

A neighbour came out and expressed concern for the woman and Khan reassured her there was nothing to worry about. The woman later said said he had blamed her for being late for his curfew and had attacked her inside the car before the part of the incident that was caught on CCTV.

Khan, who has 15 previous convictions, including for wounding and drugs offences, pleaded guilty to two counts of assault occasioning actual bodily harm and possessing cannabis. Judge Gavin Doig, who said Khan poses a high risk of harm to past and future partners, jailed him for 22 months and imposed a restraining order.

Mairi Clancy, defending, said: "He is ashamed of himself and accepts responsibility for his actions. He accepts this was a shameful way for him to behave.

"He has deep regret and he kniows the fear he placed the injured party in by his behaviour. He accepts the severity of his actions and knows his behaviour needs to change."