Kerry Katona shares one emotional aspect missing from fiance

Kerry Katona
-Credit: (Image: @kerrykatona7/Instagram)

Kerry Katona has candidly discussed her relationship with her fiance Ryan, revealing that he was absent during her recovery from a major nose surgery.

The former Atomic Kitten star underwent reconstructive surgery on her nose, a consequence of past drug misuse which had left it damaged. The extensive eight-hour procedure involved surgeons using part of her rib to prevent her nose from collapsing.

Following the operation, Kerry was cared for by her mother, while Ryan travelled to London to get a tattoo, a choice that left her feeling 'upset'.

She expressed at the time: "That upset me because it made me feel unsupported and I could have done with the emotional support."

Fortunately, their relationship swiftly recovered as they booked a stay at Chester's Carden Park Hotel to celebrate Ryan's 36th birthday, reports the Mirror.

Reflecting on the birthday festivities, Kerry shared in her column: "It was the first time we've been and it was so amazing. We had such a relaxing weekend and I think it was exactly what we needed. It showed me that we obviously need some more quality time together."

"Now we're back home we've gone back into business mode. Because we are business partners it can be difficult to strike a balance between romance and work and I think Ryan can go too much into business mode and forget that I need that emotional support too. So I'm glad we had a little weekend off," she penned for OK!

Kerry has openly expressed her displeasure towards Ryan after she came home from surgery to find the house in disarray. While recovering at her mum Sue's place, who she regards as her "rock", Kerry felt isolated and believed she didn't receive the necessary support from Ryan, her partner of four years.

Despite returning home, Kerrys frustration continued as she encountered a messy household, which she addressed in her New magazine column: "I returned home after staying at my mum's last week and the house was an absolute state," she commented. "I was fuming with the kids and Ryan because no one had tidied up anything. It frustrates me, because it always happens when I'm away. I am still recovering from my nose surgery and even bending down at the moment hurts because of the scar on my rib."

The situation has raised fans' concerns regarding the couple's relationship, and following enquiries about whether their romance was at risk, a spokesperson provided "no comment" to Mirror.