KFC investigation into man's claims he was sick due to 'raw' chicken served at Notts restaurant

A man says he was physically sick after eating raw chicken that he claims was served to him in a KFC in Nottinghamshire. Harrison Bristow, 19, a self-employed phone repairman and reseller who lives in Newark, decided to order from one of his local restaurants in Lincoln Road.

After deciding on a Family Feast, delivered through Uber Eats to his home at 11am on April 11, it arrived as normal. However, after eating part of the first piece, he claimed the chicken appeared to be raw. He says he later got food poisoning and that he was sick.

He has since filed a complaint with the company via its Facebook page but says he has heard nothing about what is being done about it. KFC bosses said they were investigating the complaint, but confirmed that the company had not received any other complaints from customers that day.

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Mr Bristow said: "The chicken was slimy and raw and it wasn't just the one. I chucked the rest out. I had most of one piece and thought 'this doesn't taste right'. It was pink and they were all the same. I just thought 'oh God'."

"It made me sick. It was blood red sick. I was feeling pretty rough at about half eight at night, I was sat by the toilet for a good half an hour.

"I was sick the once and I still had stomach ache the next morning.

The chicken served to Harrison Bristow in KFC
The chicken served to Harrison Bristow in KFC -Credit:Submitted

"KFC said they would look into it and keep me updated. But I've not heard anything since, I've tried following up with them but they haven't even read the message."

He says he now wants a refund and an explanation as to why the meal, which he said also came with "soggy and slimy" fries, a drink and baked beans, was deemed good enough to serve.

"I'd just come back from a holiday in France, it was the first thing I'd eaten. I was craving it but never again, I think it's put me off KFC. It's not the first time it's happened. I had some instore and they replaced the chicken."

A KFC spokesperson said: “Operating responsibly is our number one priority, we follow strict cooking procedures in all of our restaurants this includes ensuring our chicken is cooked thoroughly and achieves a temperature above 82 degrees, so we are surprised to hear this. We’re in touch with the guest and are looking into this, but we received no other complaints from customers the same day.”