Kid in Michael Myers Mask Stays in Character Despite Stumble

A youngster dressed as Michael Myers for a Halloween event at Kentucky’s Louisville Zoo got into the spirit of the spooky season and remained true to their character despite tripping over a hay bale.

Amber Aden’s video shows one of the kids in costume as Michael Myers from the ‘Halloween’ horror movies at Boo at the Zoo, an annual Halloween celebration for children held at the Louisville Zoo.

When Aden and her family saw the child taking their persona very seriously by picking up pumpkins and hurling them around, they decided to record them.

Speaking to Storyful, Aden said, “He then started walking around fences and leaped out and frightened my mom. After that is when he got on the hay bales.”

The child trips, lies down, then sits up robotically, mimicking one of the iconic scares from the original movie. The kid’s composure caused her family to “crack up,” according to Aden. Credit: Amber Aden via Storyful

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