When do schools break up for the summer holidays? Term and holiday dates for 2024

Schoolchildren in the UK have only one more bank holiday left this academic year (PA Wire)
Schoolchildren in the UK have only one more bank holiday left this academic year (PA Wire)

Children across the UK are getting ready to break up for the summer holidays soon.

After a long period of working after the last half term, students, teachers and parents are now counting down the days until the next break.

But when exactly do schools break up for the summer? Find out in our guide below.

Remember that school term dates can vary by local council and individual schools may vary.

When do schools break up for the summer holidays?

Schools in England will break up for the summer from Thursday, July 25 to Monday, September 2, 2024.

Most children will be back at school on Monday September 2, after six weeks off.

When is the next half-term?

After returning from the summer holidays, pupils will have eight weeks back at school before their next half term. They will then have a week off from Monday 28 October to Friday1 November.

Bank holidays during the 2023-2024 school year

Most bank holidays have already taken place during the 2023-2024 school year – only the summer bank holiday on August 26 remains, which falls during the school holidays.

Make sure to check with your child’s school for its exact term dates, as holidays and inset days can vary. The information should be available on the school’s website or your local council’s website.