King Charles makes heartfelt gesture towards Princess Lilibet on her third birthday

Princess Lilibet is celebrating her third birthday today, and her grandfather, King Charles has reportedly sent a thoughtful gift her way according to a royal commentator.

The young royal enjoyed a grand birthday celebration at her Montecito residence in California, where her parents Prince Harry and Meghan Markle invited their nearest and dearest round for the special occasion.

However, the Royal Family's names were notably absent from the guest list, amidst ongoing tensions, the Mirror reports.

Despite the apparent family rift, Charles has made a point of acknowledging his youngest grandchild on her special day.

Speaking to The Mirror, royal expert Tom Quinn revealed: "King Charles had no intention of completely ignoring Lilibet's birthday so he has sent a gift along with a message."

Princess Lilibet turns three years old today -Credit:Instagram
Princess Lilibet turns three years old today -Credit:Instagram

Nonetheless, it seems the monarch is holding back a particularly special present for a time when the family feud has finally settled.

Quinn remarked: "He gave Prince George a beautiful hand-made wooden swing with George's name carved on it and he has plans to give something similar to Lilibet but not this year. And not unless and until the family feud dies down."

Celebs including Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom are thought to have attended Lilibet's birthday bash. Tom revealed: "Rather than go for a low-key celebration Harry and Meghan have spent the past weekend enjoying a pre-birthday bash for their daughter Lillibet's third birthday.

"Hugely expensive presents have been ruled out but the couple's mansion in California was awash with celebrities including Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom and their daughter Daisy who is just a few months older than Lilibet."

Harry and Meghan privately celebrated the special occasion at their Montecito home with their nearest and dearest which did not include the Royal Family -Credit:Getty
Harry and Meghan privately celebrated the special occasion at their Montecito home with their nearest and dearest which did not include the Royal Family -Credit:Getty

Katy and Orlando are neighbours of Harry and Meghan. Ellen DeGeneres, Gwyneth Paltrow and Oprah Winfrey also live close by to the Sussexes' mansion.

It's believed that Harry and Meghan didn't invite the Royal Family to Lilibet's party. Tom told us: "Shockingly no invitations to Lilibet's party were issued to members of the Royal Family."

"One of Harry's old army friends said: 'Harry knew they wouldn't come anyway and he was pretty sure he would not have wanted them there. But he is really sad that Archie and Lilibet cannot have any kind of relationship with their cousins while his feud with his family continues'."

Lilibet has only reunited with the Royal Family for one of her birthdays. The youngster was brought to the UK for the late Queen Elizabeth's Platinum Jubilee celebrations, with the event coinciding with her first birthday.

Her family held an intimate backyard picnic at Frogmore Cottage to celebrate.

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