King's Speech LIVE: Rishi Sunak vows 'better future' for country after first King's Speech in 70 years

Rishi Sunak insisted he has “turned the corner" to put the country on a better path as he used the King's Speech to set out a pre-election stall containing challenges for Sir Keir Starmer.

In his first State Opening of Parliament as monarch, King Charles had to detail legislation mandating annual oil and gas licensing for the North Sea - which the Conservatives hope will draw a political dividing line with the Labour leader.

With a general election expected next year, the Prime Minister put a series of criminal justice proposals at the centre of the first such speech he has overseen from No 10.

Among the measures were proposals to end no-fault evictions, measures to pave the way for self-driving cars, and tougher sentences for the worst criminals.

Mr Sunak said: “We have turned the corner over the last year and put the country on a better path. But these immediate priorities are not the limit of our ambition.

“They are just the foundations of our plan to build a better future for our children and grandchildren, and deliver the change the country needs."

But Labour’s Sir Keir said the address was a “new low” and amounted to a “plan for more of the same". He criticised the oil policy as a "political gimmick" which will "not take a single penny off anyone's bills".

Follow latest updates below

Live coverage ends

17:15 , Josh Salisbury

Our live coverage is now ending as the MPs debate on the King's Speech wraps up.

Rishi Sunak sought to draw dividing lines with Labour going into the next general election with a package of proposals.

The King’s Speech, which is written by the Government, was delivered for the first time by Charles as monarch on Tuesday.

For an overview of what was announced, please visit here.

No10 official blames Cummings for toxic atmosphere during Covid

16:39 , Josh Salisbury

Meanwhile, at the Covid inquiry, Boris Johnson's former chief of staff has blamed Dominic Cummings for the toxic atmosphere at No 10 during the pandemic.

Asked about allegations of an unhappy staff culture in Downing Street, Lord Edward Udny-Lister told the inquiry: "I think it was largely driven by personalities.

"There were people there who were quite difficult to deal with. And I think there was a lot of tension that was taking place...

"You've heard from Dominic Cummings, you've heard other evidence. I mean, he was not an easy man to deal with. And that was a tension."

He added: "There was a personality clash that was constantly going on. There was an atmosphere."

Theresa May criticises Government over net zero

16:31 , Josh Salisbury

Former PM Theresa May is speaking now, and she is making some criticisms of the Government’s agenda in the King’s Speech.

On green measures, she says: “The Government is missing an opportunity. What we need to do now is press the accelerator on the transition to a green economy, not try to draw back.

“And I fear that despite the fact that the King’s Speech says my ministers will seek to attract record levels of investment in renewable energy sources, that that is not a sufficiently strong ambition from the Government to make sure they are making that transition quickly enough to make sure we meet net zero by 2050.

“It’s no good waking up on January 1 2045 and saying, we’ve got five years, let’s do something now. Because that will be even more costly for members of the public.”

Ms May also takes a tongue-in-cheek swipe at Rishi Sunak, saying she was “rather surprised” to have received an email from the Conservative Party saying it was taking difficult decisions which other politicians “have been afraid to even talk about” - including net zero.

“Now since I read that, I’ve been wracking my brains as to which prime minister it was that put net zero by 2050 into legislation,” she says. “Answers on a postcard, please.”

Veterans' minister urges against clashes with protesters at Remembrance Weekend

16:19 , Josh Salisbury

Veterans' Affairs Minister Johnny Mercer urged former military personnel not to hold demonstrations over the weekend amid concerns about clashes with pro-Palestinian marches.

The Palestinian Solidarity Campaign is organising a major march through London on Armistice Day, sparking fears of disorder, although Mr Mercer stressed the route was not intended to go anywhere near the Cenotaph on Whitehall.

Mr Mercer, in a letter to Metropolitan Police chief Sir Mark Rowley, urged police to protect veterans who were marking the Armistice or Remembrance Sunday.

"I have particular concern towards our elderly veterans for whom travelling to London once a year is an important part of their Remembrance and have expressed genuine fears to me around their ability to travel to London, particularly through our rail stations, unmolested," he said.

"Whilst wholly respecting the police's operational independence, I ask that your organisation make full use of the powers at their disposal to ensure that these concerns do not materialise."

Johnny Mercer (PA Archive)
Johnny Mercer (PA Archive)

'Unfortunate' Boris Johnson wanted to be injected with Covid, inquiry told

16:02 , Josh Salisbury

Away from the King's Speech debate, the Covid Inquiry is still ongoing.

The former chief of staff at No 10 Downing Street has described former prime minister Boris Johnson wanting to inject himself with Covid-19 live on television as "an unfortunate comment".

In a written statement to the inquiry, Lord Edward Udny-Lister recalled comments by Mr Johnson in which he suggested to civil servants and advisers he "wanted to be injected with Covid-19 on television to demonstrate to the public that it did not pose a threat".

Appearing before the inquiry, he said: "It was before the Italian situation had really become apparent to everybody. It was a time when Covid was not seen as being the serious disease it subsequently became.

"It was a moment in time - I think it was an unfortunate comment."

Lord Udny-Lister (PA Archive)
Lord Udny-Lister (PA Archive)

Sunak closes speech: 'This delivers change'

15:55 , Josh Salisbury

Closing his address to Parliament, Mr Sunak claims the measures unveiled in today’s King’s Speech “builds on the strong foundations of an economy well on its way to recovery.”

He says: “It rejects big government and instead backs people and businesses to thrive.

"It strengthens society with historic measures to improve the nation’s health and education, it secures our streets and borders with tougher sentences for criminals, and powers for police.

“And above all, this King’s Speech delivers change. Change in our economy, change in our society, change in our communities, to take long-term decisions for a brighter future.”

Sunak defends scrapping of HS2

15:50 , Josh Salisbury

Rishi Sunak defends the scrapping of HS2, saying “every single penny” will now go into northern transport projects - to groans from some in the Commons.

Mr Sunak tells Parliament: “Every single penny that would have been spent on HS2, a repeatedly delayed, expensive project that repeatedly failed to meet people’s real needs is now being invested in the north, the midlands and right across the country.”

It came as London business chiefs today warned that any delay to building the HS2 tunnel to Euston from Old Oak Common will only drive up costs even more.

The future of the Euston terminal was thrown into doubt after Mr Sunak cancelled the northern leg from Birmingham to Manchester because of runaway costs.

Rishi Sunak stresses need for more aid in Gaza

15:26 , Miriam Burrell

The Prime Minister is now speaking.

A unilateral and unconditional ceasefire would allow Hamas to continue attacks against Israel, Rishi Sunak has told the House of Commons.

More than 100 British nationals have now left Gaza, the Prime Minister said.

"We will not stand for the hatred and antisemitism on our streets," he said.

He said it "sickens" him to know British Jews feel unsafe.

"We will fight hatred and extremism in all its forms," he said.

Two backbench MPs undergo humble address

15:23 , Miriam Burrell

Two Tory MPs took part in the "humble address" in the House of Commons.

The aim is to thank the monarch for their speech, and traditionally theses addresses are light-hearted and anecdotal.

The first to speak was Tory MP for Scarborough and Whitby Sir Robert Goodwill.

He reiterated the Government's proposals for convicted criminals too attend their sentencing, and a bill to tackle uninsured pedicabs in London.

As part of his speech, he said Israel had a right to respond to the Hamas attacks on October 7, and asked the British not to forget about Ukrainians.

He also defended Rishi Sunak's furlough scheme during the pandemic as "the right thing to do".

Tory MP for Stroud Siobhan Baillie also spoke.

MPs debate King's Speech in House of Commons

14:39 , Miriam Burrell

MPs are shortly to begin debating Rishi Sunak's plan for Britain, outlined in the King’s Speech, in the House of Commons this afternoon.

A debate on the speech, delivered earlier by King Charles III in the House of Lords, could last days before a vote is taken, mostly as an act of symbolism.

The Prime Minister will "sell" his vision for the country to the Commons before Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer has a chance to respond.

Roads reopen around Westminster

14:22 , Miriam Burrell

Roads that were closed in central London this morning for the King's procession to the House of Lords have now reopened, Metropolitan Police said in an update.

Pictured: State Opening of Parliament

14:18 , Miriam Burrell

Photos from the King's procession and speech in the House of Lords.

 (POOL/AFP via Getty Images)
(POOL/AFP via Getty Images)

Unclear if action will be taken against rough sleepers in tents

14:15 , Miriam Burrell

Downing Street has declined to say whether action to tackle people sleeping on the streets in tents would eventually be included in the Criminal Justice Bill.

The Bill, as set out in the King’s Speech, did not feature a proposal from Home Secretary Suella Braverman to ban charities from handing out tents to the homeless.

Asked whether this could still be added, the Prime Minister’s official spokesman told reporters at a briefing in Westminster following the speech: "As with all these Bills, there will be further details set out when they are brought to the House.

"We’ve said that no-one should be criminalised for having nowhere to live and we are repealing the outdated Vagrancy Act. We want to go as far as possible to ensure that those who are vulnerable can get the support they need and obviously at the same time cracking down on anti-social, intimidating or indeed criminal behaviour."

Read more here.

 (PA Wire)
(PA Wire)

Renters will remain in fear of losing their homes, charity says

13:40 , Sami Quadri

Private tenants will remain in fear of losing their homes, a charity has said, after the Government confirmed it has no definite timeline for a ban on no-fault evictions.

The long-awaited abolition of section 21, where a landlord can evict a tenant without providing any reason, will not come in until court reforms and stronger possession grounds for landlords are in place, the Government said on Tuesday.

Housing and homelessness charity Shelter accused the Government of having given in to Conservative backbenchers, who it said want to see the Bill “kicked into the long grass”.

Polly Neate, chief executive of Shelter, said: “In the last King’s Speech before a general election, the Government has failed to grasp the scale of the housing emergency.

“Decades of inaction has left us with runaway rents, rising evictions and record levels of homelessness and ministers are blaming everyone but themselves.

“We’ve already seen the Government play politics with the Renters (Reform) Bill and give in to a small minority of landlords on its own backbench who want to see it kicked into the long grass.

“Until the Bill is passed and implemented, 11 million private renters will remain living in constant fear of being evicted from their home without cause.”

Unions attack King’s Speech as ‘missed opportunity’ to help workers

13:16 , Sami Quadri

The Government has been accused of “turning its back” on workers as union leaders criticised the absence again of a promised employment Bill.

TUC general secretary Paul Nowak described the speech as “cheap electioneering”.

He added: “This is a desperate last throw of the dice from the Conservatives.

“There is nothing in today’s King’s Speech to fix the country’s problems.

“Ministers have turned their back on working people.

“Having promised numerous times to bring forward an employment Bill to tackle insecure work, the Tories have junked this promise and are now attacking people’s fundamental right to strike.

“Instead of fixing our crumbling public services, the Government is trying to blame paramedics, teachers and other key workers for their failures.

“With families across the country facing a cost-of-living crisis, rowing back on net zero commitments will do nothing to bring down bills or to deliver better jobs and pay.

“We can’t go on like this. The Conservatives have broken Britain.”

Reaction to King's Speech

12:48 , Miriam Burrell

MPs, charities and activists are reacting to Rishi Sunak's plan for Britain, heard in the King's Speech this morning.

Mental health charity Mind said the Government "has failed to prioritise mental health", while Labour MP Nadia Whittome said "while we’re in a climate crisis, they’re announcing new oil and gas fields".

Pictured: King and Queen Consort at Westminster

12:41 , Miriam Burrell

King Charles III and Queen Camilla earlier arrived at the Sovereign's Entrance to the Palace of Westminster

King and Queen Consort (AP)
King and Queen Consort (AP)
King Charles III and Queen Camilla arrive at the Sovereign's Entrance to the Palace of Westminster (PA)
King Charles III and Queen Camilla arrive at the Sovereign's Entrance to the Palace of Westminster (PA)
The King in the House of Lords (PA Wire)
The King in the House of Lords (PA Wire)

What happens now?

12:24 , Miriam Burrell

The King and Queen Consort have now left Parliament.

Around two hours after the King's Speech, MPs will reassemble in the House of Commons to begin debating its contents.

After introductory speeches by two MPs, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak will "sell" the speech to the Commons.

The leader of the opposition Sir Keir Starmer gets the chance to respond, before other MPs are allowed to contribute.

The debate normally lasts about five days before there is a vote.

It's normally symbolic, because it's extremely rare for a government to lose it.

King's Speech: A recap

12:17 , Miriam Burrell

The King’s Speech ran to 1,223 words, making it the longest monarch’s speech at a State Opening of Parliament since 2005.

The speech was packed with bills aimed at putting clear blue water between the Tories and Labour.

Tougher law and order measures were at the heart of the 21-bills blueprint, alongside measures to boost and modernise the economy, ease the housing crisis and improve public health.

Our political team has put together a summary here.

 (Getty Images)
(Getty Images)

London pedicab fares to be regulated

12:11 , Miriam Burrell

Fares of pedicabs in London will be regulated under a new licensing system announced in the King’s Speech.

A Pedicabs (London) Bill will allow Transport for London to set standards for operators, drivers and their vehicles, ensure drivers undergo criminal record and right-to-work in the UK checks, enable rogue drivers to be taken to court or fined, and force pedicabs to move if they are an obstruction.

The crackdown on the three-wheel vehicles was first announced by The Standard on Monday.

Read more here.

Pedicab (Westminster Council)
Pedicab (Westminster Council)

Holocaust memorial pushed through after 'huge rise' in anti-Semitism

12:07 , Miriam Burrell

A controversial Holocaust Memorial is set to be pushed through by the Government following a "huge rise" in anti-Semitic incidents after the barbaric Hamas attack on Israel last month.

Long-promised plans for the monument and learning centre in Victoria Tower Gardens were outlined in the King's speech on Tuesday.

The area was first announced as the site for the memorial in January 2016, but the Government has faced a long legal fight with campaigners who have argued it is the wrong location for a tribute, which will take up 7.5 per cent of the public park.

Read more here.


Lib Dems: PM offers 'cheap gimmicks and reheated policies'

12:03 , Miriam Burrell

Liberal Democrat leader Sir Ed Davey said: “The country is crying out for change and hope for a brighter future, instead all Rishi Sunak had to offer was cheap gimmicks and reheated policies.

“There was nothing but empty words on the biggest issues facing the country, from the NHS crisis to the sewage scandal.

“There were no real solutions for patients left waiting months in pain for treatment, homeowners seeing their mortgages skyrocket or communities seeing their local rivers ruined by sewage.

“It shows the Conservative Government is out of touch, out of ideas and deserves to be kicked out of office.”

Liberal Democrat leader Sir Ed Davey (PA Wire)
Liberal Democrat leader Sir Ed Davey (PA Wire)

Rishi Sunak: 'We have turned the corner'

12:01 , Miriam Burrell

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak: "We have turned the corner over the last year and put the country on a better path."

"With this historic King’s Speech....we are changing our country for the long term, delivering a brighter future.

Mr Sunak added: "I will keep taking the long-term decisions to build a stronger, safer country, and a more stable world."

What the speech did not include

12:00 , Miriam Burrell

The speech did not include a bill on conversion therapy or a mooted new civil offence to fine charities found to have given tents to rough sleepers, a suggestion which sparked controversy, particularly after Home Secretary Suella Braverman suggested some people living on the streets in tents were doing so through “lifestyle choices”.

Key proposed new laws unveiled in speech

11:58 , Miriam Burrell

With an election expected next autumn, the key proposed new laws in the speech were:

  • A Sentencing Bill will mandate whole-life jail terms for killers convicted of the most horrific murders, and ensure rapists are not allowed out early

  • But with prisons at bursting point, it also encourages custodial sentences of 12 months or less to be made suspended

  • After cases of killers such as Lucy Letby refusing to show up for sentencing, a Criminal Justice Bill could compel their attendance. The bill will also let police raid a property, to seize stolen goods such as phones if identified by a GPS signal, without a court warrant

  • After the AI summit with Elon Musk, the speech looks to the future with bills on automated vehicles, digital markets and data protection that the PM said would “open the door to game-changing new technologies like driverless cars and machine learning”

  • A Digital Markets, Competition and Consumer Bill aims to tackle consumer rip-offs including “subscription traps” and fake reviews

  • A Tobacco and Vapes Bill will enact Mr Sunak’s vow to gradually outlaw smoking, starting with children who turn 14 this year

  • A Terrorism (Protection of Premises) Bill, known as “Martyn’s Law”, will seek to improve the safety and security of public venues

  • An Investigatory Powers (Amendment) Bill will make it easier for the intelligence services to access bulk personal data

  • The Government will mandate annual bids for North Sea oil and gas exploration in an Offshore Petroleum Licensing Bill but it has been accused of watering down climate change action

  • A Football Governance Bill will create a new Independent Football Regulator to better protect clubs and fans and would prevent a repeat of the 2021 breakaway European Super League

  • A Media Bill repeals Section 40 of the Crime and Courts Act 2013 which, if commenced, could have forced publishers to pay the legal costs of people who sue them, even if the publisher wins

  • An Economic Activities of Public Bodies (Overseas Matters) Bill will ban public bodies from imposing their own boycotts, divestments or sanctions campaigns against foreign countries, such as Israel

King concludes his speech

11:54 , Miriam Burrell

The speech concludes with: "My Government will, in all respects, seek to make long-term decisions in the interests of future generations.

"My ministers will address inflation and the drivers of low growth over demands for greater spending or borrowing. My ministers will put the security of communities and the nation ahead of the rights of those who endanger it.

"By taking these long-term decisions, my Government will change this country and build a better future."

Climate change and AI

11:53 , Miriam Burrell

Despite the Government facing accusations of watering down climate change action, the King, a leading environmentalist, said: "My Government will continue to lead action on tackling climate change and biodiversity loss, support developing countries with their energy transition, and hold other countries to their environmental commitments.”

On the AI revolution, the Monarch said: "The United Kingdom will continue to lead international discussions to ensure that Artificial Intelligence is developed safely."

Migration and armed forces

11:52 , Miriam Burrell

On migration, he said: "My Government will deliver on the Illegal Migration Act passed earlier this year and on international agreements, to stop dangerous and illegal Channel crossings and ensure it is the government, not criminal gangs, who decides who comes to this country."

Looking at a more global stage, the King said: "My Government will continue to champion security around the world, to invest in our gallant Armed Forces and to support veterans to who so much is owed.

"My ministers will work closely with international partners to support Ukraine, strengthen NATO and address the most pressing security challenges.

"This includes the consequences of the barbaric acts of terrorism against the people of Israel, facilitating humanitarian support into Gaza and supporting the cause of peace and stability in the Middle East."

Law and Order

11:51 , Miriam Burrell

Turning to law and order, the King said: "My Government will act to keep communities safe from crime, anti-social behaviour, terrorism and illegal migration.

"A bill will be brought forward to ensure tougher sentences for the most serious offenders and increase the confidence of victims.

“My ministers will introduce legislation to empower police forces and the criminal justice system to prevent new or complex crimes, such as digital-enabled crime and child sexual abuse, including grooming."

On public protection, the Monarch said: "At a time when threats to national security are changing rapidly due to new technology, my ministers will give the security and intelligence services the powers they need and will strengthen independent judicial oversight.

"Legislation will be introduced to protect public premises from terrorism in light of the Manchester Arena attack.”

A 'smoke-free generation', leaseholds and football

11:48 , Miriam Burrell

On a more recent vow by Mr Sunak: "My Government will introduce legislation to create a smoke-free generation by restricting the sale of tobacco so that children currently aged 14 or younger can never be sold cigarettes, and restricting the sale and marketing of e-cigarettes to children."

The Government vows action on the housing crisis: "My ministers will bring forward a bill to reform the housing market by making it cheaper and easier for leaseholders to purchase their freehold and tackling the exploitation of millions of homeowners through punitive service charges.

"Renters will benefit from stronger security of tenure and better value, while landlords will benefit from reforms to provide certainty that they can regain their properties when needed."

"Legislation will be brought forward to safeguard the future of football clubs for the benefit of communities and fans.

"A bill will be introduced to deal with the scourge of unlicensed pedicabs in London."

A new bill is promised to create a Holocaust memorial centre next to Parliament: "My Government is committed to tackling antisemitism and ensuring that the Holocaust is never forgotten."

NHS waiting lists cut

11:47 , Miriam Burrell

Eyeing the fast-growing Pacific region, the speech said: "My ministers will continue to negotiate trade agreements with dynamic economies, delivering jobs and growth in the United Kingdom."

Legislating for future tech, it said: "My ministers will introduce new legal frameworks to support the safe commercial development of emerging industries, such as self-driving vehicles, introduce new competition rules for digital markets, and encourage innovation in technologies such as machine learning."

Highlighting one of the PM’s five signature pledges, it said: "Working with NHS England, my Government will deliver its plans to cut waiting lists and transform the long-term workforce of the National Health Service."

Education shake up Bill to be officially laid out

11:45 , Miriam Burrell

"My ministers will strengthen education for the long term," the King sid.

"Steps will be taken to ensure young people have the knowledge and skills to succeed, through the introduction of the Advanced British Standard that will bring technical and academic routes into a single qualification.

"Proposals will be implemented to reduce the number of young people studying poor quality university degrees and increase the number undertaking quality apprenticeships."

Energy security legislation to be laid out

11:44 , Miriam Burrell

King Charles, a committed environmentalist, outlines the Government's new energy plans, which includes hundreds of new licences for gas and oil projects in the North Sea.

"Legislation will be introduced to strengthen the United Kingdom's energy security, and reduce reliance on volatile international energy markets and hostile foreign regimes," the King said.

"The Bill will support the future licensing of new oil and gas fields, helping the country to transition to net zero by 2050 without adding undue burdens on households.

"My ministers will seek  to attract record levels of investment in renewable energy sources and reform grid connections, building on the United Kingdom's track-record of decarbonising faster than other G7 economies."

Government to 'continue cost of living support'

11:40 , Miriam Burrell

"My Government will continue to take action to bring down inflation, to ease the cost of living for families and help businesses fund new jobs and investment," King Charles said in his address.

"My ministers will support the Bank of England to return inflation to target by taking responsible decisions on spending and borrowing.

"These decisions will help household finances, reduce public sector debt, and safeguard the financial security of the country."

Tribute to Elizabeth II as King Charles begins first King's Speech

11:40 , Miriam Burrell

The first King's Speech in more than seven decades begins with a tribute to the late Queen.

King Charles said: "It is mindful of the legacy of service and devotion to this country set by my beloved mother, the late Queen, that I deliver this, the first King's Speech in over 70 years.

"The impact of Covid and the war in Ukraine have created significant long-term challenges for the United Kingdom. That is why my Government's priority is to make the difficult but necessary long-term decisions to change this country for the better."

MPs enter from the House of Commons

11:33 , Miriam Burrell

MPs have begun entering the House of Lords after waiting in the House of Commons.

They were summoned by black rod Sarah Clarke after the King and Queen Consort were seated.

King enters House of Lords

11:31 , Miriam Burrell

King Charles III has entered a hushed House of Lords alongside the Queen Consort.

The monarch has sat on the throne next to Queen Camilla.

King's Speech to begin shortly

11:28 , Miriam Burrell

MPs, senior judges, foreign ambassadors and high commissioners are among those in the House of Lords eagerly awaiting the King's Speech.

It's the first Official State Opening of Parliament by a King in 70 years.

King Charles III will enter the House of Lords shortly and deliver his speech from the throne.

King arrives at House of Lords

11:19 , Miriam Burrell

King Charles and Queen Camilla have arrived at the House of Lords ahead of his speech at 11.30am.

The black rod, Sarah Clarke, will shortly summon MPs who have been waiting in the House of Commons to the House of Lords.


Rishi Sunak: Government building 'brighter future'

11:13 , Miriam Burrell

As the King and Queen Consort make their way to the House of Lords, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak wrote on X, formerly Twitter: "This government is taking the long-term decisions to build a brighter future for people across the United Kingdom.

"That is what the King’s Speech, the first of His Majesty’s reign, will deliver."

The King and Queen Consort leave Buckingham Palace

11:01 , Miriam Burrell

King Charles III and the Queen Consort have left Buckingham Palace in a carriage, kicking off the procession to the House of Lords.


A packed House of Lords

10:57 , Miriam Burrell

Members of the House of Lords eagerly await the King's Speech.

 (Getty Images)
(Getty Images)

Charles embraces royal fanfare

10:53 , Miriam Burrell

It's the first State Opening of Parliament that King Charles III has taken part in as a monarch.

The King will don the Imperial State Crown, his lengthy crimson Robe of State and Admiral of the Fleet Royal Naval dress uniform.

Camilla, wearing the famous George IV State Diadem for the first time, has chosen to re-use her coronation gown, designed by Bruce Oldfield, for her first State Opening as a Queen consort.

Some 1,400 members of the armed forces will play a part in the proceedings in the first full military ceremony for a State Opening since before Covid.

Gun salutes will be fired from Green Park and the Tower of London.

Troops from the Army, RAF and Royal Navy lining the route and the Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment including 124 horses providing a Sovereign’s Escort.

House of Lords (PA)
House of Lords (PA)

Prcession to start shortly

10:44 , Miriam Burrell

King Charles III will leave Buckingham Palace shortly and make his way to the House of Lords for the State Opening of Parliament.

He is expected to speak at 11.30am.

Members of the House of Lords have already started gathering and the Band of the Royal Air Force are performing as they march past anti-Monarchy protesters.

 (Getty Images)
(Getty Images)
Princess Antonia, Duchess of Wellington (Getty Images)
Princess Antonia, Duchess of Wellington (Getty Images)

Pictured: Prep begins for procession

10:01 , Miriam Burrell

Soldiers and members of Royal Horse Artillery can be seen outside Buckingham Palace ahead of the King's procession to the House of Lords.


Anti-monarchy protesters gather outside Big Ben

09:53 , Miriam Burrell

Anti-Monarchy group Republic fly 'Not My King' flags in protest outside Westminster ahead of the King's procession from Buckingham Palace to the House of Lords.

 (AFP via Getty Images)
(AFP via Getty Images)

What to expect in the King's Speech

09:38 , Miriam Burrell

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has put a series of criminal justice laws at the heart of the King’s Speech.

But the speech will also announce the Government's plan for a new law to mandate annual oil and gas licensing in the North Sea.

The speech will include:

  • Already-announced proposals for killers convicted of the most horrific murders to expect whole life orders, meaning they will never be released

  • Under the proposals rapists and other serious sexual offenders will not be let out early from prison sentences

  • Policy giving police the power to enter a property without a warrant to seize stolen goods, such as phones, when they have reasonable proof that a specific stolen item is inside

  • Plans to "phase out" leaseholds will be in the King’s Speech

  • The speech could also introduce a law that would stop children who turn 14 this year and those younger from ever legally buying cigarettes or tobacco in England

  • A report in The Times suggested new legislation for driverless vehicles will clear the way for buses, grocery deliveries and farm machinery to operate autonomously by the end of the decade

  • The Standard reported yesterday that the speech will also mention a new licensing system that will crackdown on dodge pedicab drivers in London

Watch: How the King's Speech happens

09:07 , Miriam Burrell

The King's Speech will start in the House of Lords at 11.30am.

Watch the video below to see how it takes place.

Met Police has 'extensive' operation underway

08:55 , Miriam Burrell

A significant policing operation is underway for the State Opening of Parliament, Metropolitan Police have said.

Road closures are already in place in the Westminster area, with no access at 10.20am for the procession.

What is happening today?

08:47 , Miriam Burrell

This morning King Charles III will open Parliament for the time as monarch.

It is the monarch’s duty as head of state to formally open each new session of Parliament amid tradition and customs dating back centuries.

  • Charles will don the Imperial State Crown, Robe of State and Admiral of the Fleet Royal Naval dress uniform

  • He will travel in a carriage procession from Buckingham Palace to the House of Lords in the Diamond State Coach amid great royal fanfare

  • Some 1,400 members of the armed forces will play a part in the proceedings in the first full military ceremony for a State Opening since before Covid

  • Gun salutes will be fired from Green Park and the Tower of London

  • Troops from the Army, RAF and Royal Navy will line the route and the Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment including 124 horses providing a Sovereign’s Escort

Read more on what will happen today here.