Kirkcudbright Steampunk Weekend 2024 a huge success

Kirkcudbright was buzzing for the town's Steampunk Weekend
-Credit: (Image: Steve Smith)

Kirkcudbright Steampunk Weekend was a huge success in the Artists’ Town.

People put on their best costumes to enjoy two days of music and stalls in Soaperie Gardens, as well as special films and cocktails.

There was also a Victorian tea room in the scout hall – run superbly by Amanda, Paddy and Rose – with people able to have metal plate photos taken by Dark Box.

-Credit:Steve Smith
-Credit:Steve Smith

And on Saturday night, the hut saw performances from Kissing the Flint and the Razorbills, with actors taking on the roles of Mary Shelley, H G Wells, Jules Verne and a friend of Edgar Allan Poe for special readings.

Leading the organisation of the weekend were Susi and Matt Francis from Borgue, who use the steampunk names Lady Susannah de Borgue and Captain Max Snoot, with Kirkcudbright Summer Festivities also involved.

Susi said: “It was very busy, it was a very successful event.

-Credit:Geonkas Gamson
-Credit:Geonkas Gamson

“The evening do was really buzzing. Everyone got up and danced and the actors did so well for the readings. It was a great night.

“Lots of stallholders gave very positive feedback and the weather was good.”

Among the acts performing music over the two days were Ukefrolics, Gegen 4, That’s Alright and the Solway Coasters.

There were also sculptures from Colin Saul, who organised a vintage fair in the parish church hall.