What do we know about who died in the Grenfell Tower fire

It has been three weeks since a fire tore through Grenfell Tower in north Kensington, destroying the 120 flats inside.

The official death toll of the blaze is currently 80 but a number of authorities say this is likely to rise.

Not all, but more than half of that number have been publicly identified.

But residents believe that the figure could be much higher - and the gap between the community's perception and official information is fuelling suspicions of a cover up.

A full inquiry has been launched into the disaster, and the Government denies any information has been suppressed. But some leaders, including London MP David Lammy, have expressed sympathy with local people's anxieties.

"The truth is that the authorities have lost the trust of the community," Mr Lammy said. "The community was let down over Grenfell and they feel let down again by the lack of info on numbers."

:: Grenfell dead 'may not be identified until year-end'

There are a number of barriers to accurately assessing how many people died in the blaze.

The intensity of the fire and the destruction it caused means identifying many victims is impossible.

Residents who have irregular immigration or tenancy status may also be reluctant to approach officials, whether to report others missing or confirm they are safe.

"They're concerned that if they come forward they'll be carted off to a detention centre," a spokesperson for the North Kensington Law Centre, which has been assisting victims, said.

"There's an understandable concern about engaging with authority."

To address this, the Government has announced that people won't be prosecuted for immigration or subletting issues if they provide information.

But vulnerable people may still be anxious about coming forward, and distrust of authorities remains high.

Volunteers have also been compiling their own data, arriving at death toll estimates of between 70 and 100. But the information is extremely sensitive: one initiative, the Grenfell Tower Data Project, published a list of missing people but relatives requested it was removed.

Posters now placed at the Grenfell site suggest that the number of dead could be as high as 150.

"I fully understand why people in the community are saying this," Peter Weatherby QC, a barrister who led the team representing 22 families bereaved in the Hillsborough disaster, said.

He explained that releasing unconfirmed information could unnecessarily inflame the situation in an already traumatised community, but insisted that a response should work sympathetically with the community.

"One of the problems for these kinds of disasters generally is a culture of denial and defensiveness," Mr Weatherby said, adding that corporate statements that denied blame for the disaster raised suspicions further.

My Weatherby said the Government needs to be "transparent and visible" about gathering information and consulting communities.

"The authorities must not only be doing their job completely officially and properly, but they must be seen to be doing it," he said. "I think that's lacking."

Sir Martin Moore-Bick, who is chairing the inquiry into the disaster, has been criticised by campaigners who believe he is out of touch with the Grenfell community.

The government has defended his selection and maintained he will act "with impartiality and with a determination to get to the truth and see justice done".