Kris Boyd rejects Rangers title mindset as Philippe Clement excuse can only take club so far

Kris Boyd has questioned Rangers' title mindset as he reckons they've bungled their chances at the Premiership trophy.

The Ibrox outfit threw away a league advantage after dropping points to Celtic, Ross County and Dundee and allowing their games in hand to slip away. Boyd has been full of praise for manager Philippe Clement since he arrived to replace Michael Beale but the former Gers striker has been left frustrated. For the 40-year old, the suggestion that Clement has clawed them back into a race when previously seven points behind their rivals has been seen as enough of a success is not good enough.

“I’ve heard people saying recently ‘you’ve got to remember where Rangers were when Philippe Clement came in’. I don’t think you can have that mindset. You’ve got yourself in a place where you can win a title," he said.

“It wasn’t to be at Ibrox a couple of weeks ago in the Old Firm, but the two performances after that haven’t been good enough. You can’t go back to where the club was when Philippe Clement arrived.

“He’s here and they got themselves back in a title race, which at this moment in time looks like it’s probably going to end in a whimper. Some clubs get bogged down by winning cups but Rangers are going to be judged by winning titles.

“The fans have got themselves into a position where they could’ve won the league, but with the last three games, Rangers could potentially have thrown a golden opportunity away. It’s not over but it’s going to be very difficult.

“Looking back on the last couple of weeks, you’re going to look back on that period and say it’s been the defining moment. Forget the start, the manager lost his job, Philippe Clement came in and transformed the club. But you can’t just look at it and say, ‘We’ve got ourselves into a title race’. You’ve got to go and win it.”

Kris Boyd was speaking at The Kris Boyd Charity Golf Day at Trump Turnberry. Kris has been raising awareness of Mental Health and funds to help people in need for seven years.