Labour boost majorities in Coventry as Conservative vote collapses

Labour has stormed to election victory in Coventry amid a collapse in the Conservative vote. The party held onto all three of its parliamentary seats in the city today, 5 July.

MPs Taiwo Owatemi and Zarah Sultana were re-elected in Coventry North West and South and Mary Creagh will become the new MP for Coventry East. It is a stark difference to the results of the contest five years ago.

Back then, Ms Owatemi and Sultana's seats were among the most marginal in the UK. The pair got a similar amount of votes today but their Tory challengers saw their number of votes plummet to thousands less than they had before.


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Both MPs now have majorities of over 10,000, while Ms Creagh has one of 11,000. Data also shows more people in Coventry are voting Reform.

Five years ago the group - then called the Brexit Party - gained some 2,000 votes in its best seat, Coventry East. This time it placed second in the area with around 500 more votes than the Tory challengers.

It is within 500 votes of catching up to the Conservatives in the other two Coventry constituencies. Across the city turnout was low, at just 49% in Coventry East and 56% for the other two constituencies.

Results were declared in the early hours of this morning. Labour have won a landslide majority and have won the General Election. At the time of writing they had won 396 seats while the Tories were on just 104.

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