Labour Lord suspended after 'lazy or frit' comment about Rosie Duffield who cancelled debates over trolling

Rosie Duffield  (PA Wire)
Rosie Duffield (PA Wire)

A Labour lord who branded a woman MP candidate “frit or lazy” for cancelling general election debates over safety fears has been suspended.

Peer Michael Cashman, a former EastEnders actor and MEP, was stripped of the whip on Sunday, Labour sources said.

Ms Duffield, who is fighting to retain the Canterbury constituency for Labour, has been a defender of women’s rights and female-only spaces.

On Friday, in a statement on social media, she said her attendance at local hustings in the run up to the July 4 General Election was “impossible” because of “constant trolling”.

Lord Cashman replied under the post: “Frit. Or lazy”. The Stonewall co-founder later apologised for the comment.

Women and equalities minister Kemi Badenoch waded into the row by accusing Labour of “intimidation and abuse” towards its own.

Shadow health secretary Mr Streeting told Times Radio on Sunday: “I strongly disagree with Michael (Cashman).

“That is extremely unfair and I was very concerned Rosie’s not able to participate in hustings and is having to change the way she behaves because of abuse.

“That is wholly intolerable and unacceptable, as is the abuse Nigel Farage has had.

“I count Michael and Rosie as friends and this is exactly the kind of division I’ve been working really hard to try and work through and heal.”

Ms Duffield last week said the “extremely difficult decision” to cancel local hustings was made because the “actions of a few fixated individuals” had affected her “sense of security and wellbeing”.

She had earlier revealed that she has spent £2,000 on bodyguards while campaigning.

Lord Cashman later wrote on Twitter: “I apologise unreservedly for a post that I put out regarding the Labour candidate for Canterbury.

“I fully understand any complaints that will be sent to the Labour Party.”