Labour’s private school VAT raid may trigger exodus that swamps state sector


Labour’s VAT raid on private schools could cause an exodus of pupils that would swamp state schools in some parts of the country, analysis suggests.

The high concentration of private schools in certain local authority areas means that if even a relatively small proportion of pupils left because their parents could no longer afford the fees, they would struggle to find a place in desirable state schools because so many are already oversubscribed.

It comes after Sir Keir Starmer promised to roll out the tax raid on private schools “straight away” if Labour wins the election, causing panic among parents, some of whom have already withdrawn their children.

The party claims the policy to add 20 per cent to fees would raise £1.7 billion.

However, independent school leaders dispute the figure and say the tax would end up harming all schools and forcing many to close.

A previous report by the schools consultancy Baines Cutler estimated that removing the VAT exemption would result in a “drop-off” of around 17.1 per cent in the first five years, or 10.7 per cent immediately.

State schools overwhelmed

New analysis by The Telegraph reveals that in Kensington and Chelsea this could overwhelm the number of spare state school places.

Meanwhile, in areas such as Surrey, Rutland, Richmond, Westminster and Camden, the exodus of private school children could take up more than 40 per cent of available places based on 2022-23 figures.

A total of 14 local authorities would see more than one in four unfilled school places taken by private school children.

This does not take into account the added impact on the state sector of some private schools closing outright, which the Independent Schools Association warned on Friday was likely if Labour were to go ahead with the policy.

A significant number of smaller private schools are already on a financial “knife edge”, the ISA said.

At the same time, competition for state schools with the best outcomes is already fierce in many parts of the country.

In some areas around half of state schools are oversubscribed.

This includes Trafford in Greater Manchester – 48 per cent – the London Borough of Sutton – 52 per cent – Walsall in the West Midlands – 38 per cent – Wokingham in Berkshire – 37 per cent.

Problem for state sector parents

The expected migration of pupils from private schools would be likely to increase the difficulty for existing state sector parents.

The population of private school children in England is unevenly spread, with nearly one in four being educated in just 14 of 150 local authority areas.

Some, such as Kent and Herefordshire, are those with a high proportion of already oversubscribed state schools, 24 and 29 per cent, respectively.

Across England, nearly one in four – 23 per cent – of secondary schools were at or over capacity, according to government figures for 2022-23, while the figure for primary schools was 17 per cent.

Molly Kingsley, co-founder of the parents’ group UsForThem, said Labour’s policy was “completely self-defeating”.

“For the state schools it’s supposedly meant to benefit it’s going to cause absolute chaos unfortunately,” she said.

“It’s the wrong way to go about much needed structural investment in our school system.

“Competition for state school places is already really intense and this inequitable policy will only heap on further pressure. It’s politicking with children’s futures.”

Labour sources have said that any numerical impact on state schools is likely to be mitigated by an expected overall drop in pupil numbers owing to the impact of declining birth rates.