Lara Trump is being ROASTED by the internet for claiming there are '81 states'

Donald Trump and his daughter in law Lara Trump who keeps saying idiotic things
Donald Trump and his daughter in law Lara Trump who keeps saying idiotic things

Lara Trump may not be related to Donald Trump by blood—she's his daughter-in-law—but their shared stupidity suggests they are.

Today, Lara Trump is going viral on X (formerly Twitter) for saying something incredibly dumb … again.

Lara Trump — who is the current co-chair of the Republican National Committee and is married to Trump's son Eric — recently went on the ultra-conservative, conspiracy theory peddling "news" network Newsmax to talk about all of the things the Republican Party is doing to control for election interference come November.

Right, because if the MAGA wing of the Republican Party is known for anything, it's their firm belief that elections shouldn't be messed with. *eye roll*

"We're going to have lawyers in all the major polling locations across the country," she says in the clip making the round on social media today.

"We have lawsuits in 81 states right now," she continues.

Um … that is a lot of states. How are we going to fit 31 more stars onto our flag?

Apparently, while you and I were learning the number of states in the Union (50), Lara Trump was studying Lying to the American People for Dummies and How to Elect a Fascist 101.

People on X had a field day with this embarrassing flub, with one person writing, "Nobody tell her. Let her keep saying it," while another person commented, "A chip off the ol’ father-in-law’s block…"

This is not the first time her intelligence has been called into question. Just last week, Ron Filipkowski— an attorney and editor-in-chief at the progressive MeidasTouch media outlet — took to X to share a clip from an episode of Lara Trump's podcast, The Right View with Lara Trump, where a listener wrote in to call her dumb, Newsweek reports.

We've really got to figure out a way to make podcasts seem deeply uncool to boring straight white men and Republicans.

A listener wrote in to ask, "Is Lara Trump as stupid as she appears to be?" And her response only added fuel to that particular fire.

"What is it that—that's stupid? Let me ask you that, sir or ma'am. I am—again, I say this all the time, I'm just giving you information and the facts," she said.

"What is stupid is voting for a party that hates you and hates this country. What's stupid is voting for a party that ultimately wants the destruction of America and I assume you are one of those people. Nothing stupid over here. I've actually done my research, I actually have the real information, I am actually not influenced by emotion but cold, hard facts."

This is a very long-winded way of saying, "Yes, listener, you're right."

"You may want to get on that bandwagon because I'll tell you what, it's all sunshine, lollipops and rainbows now, but if something happens, you're going to look back and you're going to say, 'Man, I bet Lara Trump was right. I should've listened to her.'"

Ma'am, literally, no one will ever say that.

Who needs to insult the intelligence of Republicans when they are more than capable of doing it themselves?

Keep scrolling to see the funniest social media reactions to Lara Trump saying there are 81 states!