Large 77 hectare solar farm in Northamptonshire countryside set to be approved

Plans encompass a large area of agricultural fields, between the rural villages of Welford and South Kilworth.
-Credit: (Image: Google / Daniel Leal-Olivas/PA Wire)

Plans to erect a large solar farm which would encompass up to 77 hectares of open countryside in Northamptonshire are set to be approved by the council next week.

The new proposed solar panel development would cover six fields above South Kilworth Road, near Welford, on the Northamptonshire Leicestershire border. The renewable energy farm would generate up to 49.9MWac in total, which would power approximately 14,500 according to the developer.

In periods of low demand from the grid this would also be used to charge batteries on site, thereby allowing a greater proportion of electricity to the grid at all times of day. The process would also displace 11,500 tonnes of CO2 a year.

The applicant, Welford Solar Farm Limited, said: "The solar farm will deliver significant social, environmental and economic benefits. The proposed solar farm will contribute to the national commitment to reducing carbon emissions and meeting the government’s renewable energy target.

"The proposed solar farm has the potential to make an important contribution to significant energy users along the M1 corridor including major logistics, industrial and transport businesses and motorway service stations.

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"Any harm would be significantly and demonstrably outweighed by the very significant weight to be given to the benefits from the proposed renewable energy production and storage."

Despite West Northamptonshire Council (WNC) officers recommending the plans for approval, there have been 22 objections raised from members of the public concerned about the development.

Site location plans for the proposed solar farm.
Site location plans for the proposed solar farm. -Credit:Welford Solar Farm Limited

Most highlighted the disappearance of the farmland and the effect it would have on nature and animal movements. Others pointed out the HGV traffic that would be required to enter the site and the negative impact this would have on the rural villages of South Kilworth and Welford nearby.

One person wrote: "The proposed location is next to heritage canal, a nature sanctuary at the Stanford reservoir and the spinney that is a hub of wildlife. Building a solar farm will block off each of these habitats from each other and make them isolated.

"This is a grossly ineffective use of fertile farmland, wildlife habitat and countryside that should be there for all to enjoy. I understand that we need to create more renewable energy but this cannot be at such a high cost, especially when there are other more efficient solutions."

Welford Parish Council have raised no objections but set out a number of requests for the applicant including carrying out ongoing maintenance on the site, regular monitoring of access routes that their heavy goods vehicles will use and repairs to be made once the construction traffic ends.

Welford Solar Farm Limited has also agreed a community payment with the parish council over the 40-year lifespan of the project

The proposals will go to WNC's strategic planning committee next Tuesday, July 16.