Last call to register to vote in General Election 2024 as deadline falls today

Voting box and election image,election
-Credit: (Image: Getty Images)

Voters are being reminded to double check that they are signed up to vote ahead of General Election 2024, as the deadline to so draws ever nearer.

With candidates' campaigns well under way before July 4, it's important to remember that you can't have your say unless you're name is on the electoral register. People have until midnight on Tuesday, June 18, to complete the process.

Those who are unsure if they are registered should check with their local Electoral Registration Office to determine this, which you can find here by entering your postcode.

Registering can be done online and takes only a few minutes and can be done online or through post. The rules differ depending on the type of election.

People in Scotland can register to vote for the oncoming UK Parliament election if they are aged 16 or over. Those aged 14 can register to vote for Scottish Parliament and council elections.

Those registering to vote must also be either a British or Irish citizen living in Scotland or a foreign national living in Scotland who has the right to enter or leave the UK.

According to the Scottish Government, you just need to register to vote once and not before every election. However, you do need to re-register if you change your name, address or nationality.

Once registered, people planning to vote in person must remember to bring an eligible form of ID with them and Scottish voters have 22 forms of photo ID to choose from. There are also rules that must be followed when at the polling station.

If you can't vote in person, you can still have your say by registering for a postal vote, but the deadline to do this falls on Wednesday, June 19.

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