Laurel County Republican Women elect new officers

Jan. 19—The Laurel County Republican Women's Club began the new year with an Installation Ceremony to swear-in officers for 2024-2025. Judge Greg Lay administered the oath for:

—Holly Hopkins Scoville, President

—Vicky Greenwell, 1st VP Programs Chair

—Doris Calebs, 2nd VP Membership Chair

—Larrietta Elliotte, 4th VP Fundraising Chair

—Kay Hensley, Parliamentarian

—Brooke Deaton, Secretary

—DeRhonda Smith, Treasurer

—Marti Jones, Chaplin

—Deanna Bruner, Historian

—DeRhonda Smith, Media/Facebook

—Holly Hopkins Scoville, Media/Website

County Judge Executive David Westerfield administered the oath for Melanie Callahan, 2nd VP Legislative Chair, who was not available to attend the meeting.

The club has many new initiatives they will be working on in the coming months. In addition to their current activities, there will be more opportunities for outreach. An Armed Services Committee and the Care for America Committee are being formed to expand their work in the community. Updates on events will be posted on their website.