Lauren Boebert's clap back FAILS after Biden LEVELED her with a 'Beetlejuice' jab

Joe Biden ruthlessly mocked Republican representative Lauren Boebert
Joe Biden ruthlessly mocked Republican representative Lauren Boebert

MAGA-obsessed Representative Lauren Boebert tried to clap back at President Joe Biden, and surprise, surprise it failed miserably.

During Saturday's White House Correspondents' Dinner, Biden made a hilarious joke at Boebert's expense, alluding to her recent theater escapades where she was thrown out of Beetlejuice The Musical because she was caught allegedly fondling her date.

"Look, being here is a reminder that folks think what's going on in Congress is political theater. That's not true. If Congress were a theater, they'd have thrown out Lauren Boebert a long time ago," Biden said as the audience laughed and applauded, Newsweek reports.

Between this and his recent digs at Donald Trump, Biden is convincing us that he is way funnier — and shadier — than he's given credit for.

On Monday, the Republican congresswoman posted a clip of Biden dunking on her, writing, "Speaking of throwing people out, November is coming. Keep that basement warm."

Boebert really thought she did something there.

Her incredibly lame comeback is only hilarious because she's alluding to the fact that Biden may lose his reelection bid to Trump when her own polling was so bad that she had to switch congressional districts to have a chance to stay in office.

Seems like you should be the one worried about November, Lauren.

Trump's lap dog made a splash last September when she was kicked out of Beetlejuice The Musical after getting caught on surveillance video allegedly vaping, getting groped by her date, and returning the favor with a little hand-in-the-lap action. Boebert initially denied the allegations, saying she was asked to leave because she was laughing and singing too loudly. But then the now infamous video footage was released — oops. It's usually a bad idea to lie when there's evidence.

This isn't the first time Biden has made a clever joke at the Colorado congresswoman's expense. Just last week, the president was asked if his visit to Boebert's district caused her to have to ditch her current district in favor of a more conservative one that would up her chances of winning. "That's classified," Biden joked in response.

Boebert hasn't done herself any favors by constantly attracting media attention for saying and doing outrageous things. From multiple members of her immediate family being arrested to allegedly getting so drunk the bartender at a Republican event had to cut her off to saying that Jesus could have avoided the crucifixion if he had an assault rifle to allegedly getting handsy in a packed theater, Boebert never fails to make a fool out of herself.

Luckily, Biden is usually around to mock the anti-LGBTQ+ representative so that we can laugh instead of crying at the state of politics in this country.