Leader of vile neo-nazi group unmasked as Scot who targeted hotels for asylum seekers

The founder of an anti-migrant chat group which featured pro-Nazi material fronts the Scottish arm of a far-right political party.

Martin Grove founded the chat group which targeted the staff and residents of hotels which house migrants in Scotland.

One member of the group told others not to fear jail time and another called for a hotel employee to be assaulted.

Grove alleged in a May blog post he was detained “after a family holiday” under the terrorism act in Glasgow airport – but the Record has been unable to verify the claim.

The utilities worker at Advance Construction ­Scotland was recently named Glasgow branch leader of the National Rebirth Party, which, in March, was authorised by the Electoral Commission to field candidates in Scotland.

The party is led by ex-soldier Alek Yerbury, from Yorkshire.

Research group Hope not Hate branded National Rebirth “a plainly racist and startlingly ­authoritarian group” and said it was unsurprising it had attracted “fractious fascist” Grove.

Yerbury dismissed Hope not Hate as “largely an irrelevance”. In January, ­investigative website The Ferret revealed the racist content of a far-right chat group “Scots against migrant hotels”. Founder Grove posted pictures of himself in clothes with far-right logos he bought from a neo-Nazi website which also sells knives. He shared a list of sites he believed were housing asylum seekers and wrote: “The plan is put pressure on these hotels but that’s just the start”.

He shared videos of himself calling hotels under the pretence of booking a room. Another man posed as a Home Office inspector to get ­information about a Dumfries migrant hotel. It was followed by the targeting of guests and staff and alleged plots to turn off the building’s utilities.

In another post, Grove complained the number of non-white people in the hospital where his child was born “took some of the excitement away from the day”.

Green MSP Maggie Chapman said: “These revelations are beyond repulsive.”

She added: This is yet another hate group masquerading as a political party.”

When approached over his activities Grove said he made “no apologies for my love of the British people and my concern for [their] future and my concern of the direction the country is heading”.

Advance Construction Scotland did not respond to a request for comment.

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