Lee Waters blasts Vaughan Gething donation as 'unjustifiable and wrong' in damning speech

Labour MS Lee Waters has told First Minister Vaughan Gething to return the £200,000 donation he received for his leadership election campaign from a businessman whose firm was convicted of environmental offences. Dauson Environmental, run by David Neal, gave Mr Gething the money in support of his campaign.

The company, it emerged, is applying for permission to build a solar farm on a site which requires Welsh Government permission and has received a £400,000 loan from Development Bank Wales, which is funded by Welsh Government. Mr Gething maintains he declared all donations correctly and did not break any rules.

Mr Gething received a total of £254,600 while the defeated candidate, Jeremy Miles, received £58,800. In the Senedd on Wednesday afternoon two debates held by Welsh Conservatives and Plaid Cymru kept the focus on the issue while in Westminster the Prime Minister Rishi Sunak backed calls for an independent investigation into the funding.

The Conservative motion called on the First Minister to appoint an independent adviser to investigate any conflict of interest that may exist in relation to the donations. The Plaid Cymru debate called for there to be an annual maximum cap on the political donations that any member of the Senedd can receive from any individual or entity. Neither of those motions got through but Mr Waters’ scathing criticism of the First Minister was notable and there is clearly unrest within Welsh Labour circles over the matter.

Mr Waters told the chamber on Wednesday: “I’ve been struggling to process my feelings about the issues before us today and this is a speech I would rather have avoided. Immediately on the news of the donation coming out I said it was unjustifiable and wrong and I have not changed my view. £200,000 is a staggering amount of money – unprecedented in Welsh politics and over four times larger than the £45,000 spending cap that the Labour Party set to ensure a fair contest. And the fact it came from a waste company with a conviction for damaging the Gwent Levels at a time when some of us were fighting hard to protect the sensitive area really shocked me, genuinely.

“The First Minister has said the donations to his campaign were checked and filed properly with the Electoral Commission and declared to the Senedd and that there is no case to answer. But the issue is not whether the paperwork was correct – it’s whether the judgement was correct. I welcome the appointment of Carwyn Jones to look at the rules for future elections. The suggestion in Plaid’s motion of a spending cap for each of us is worthy of consideration but to agree to it today would prejudge the review. The Conservative motion is based on a false premise. Decisions on loans from the development bank are made at arm’s length precisely to avoid conflicts of interest.”

Vaughan Gething smiling in the Senedd, standing up while being applauded by Labour MSs previously
Vaughan Gething arrived in the chamber late, which drew criticism from Plaid and the Tories -Credit:PA

Mr Waters continued: “The point about devolution, this place, a parliament we have created from scratch, is that we set higher standards. Twenty-five years ago we talked of devolution as the beginning of a new politics but the reputation of politics, and politicians, seems to be lower than ever. Surely the question isn’t what anyone can get away with – it’s what’s right. And the fact that some voters just shrugged their shoulders is what should worry us. Far from an endorsement, I feel it’s a reflection of how we’re all tarred with the same brush.

“We all get it: ‘You’re all the same, you’re in it for yourselves, you’re on the make.’ Not only is it demoralising for many of us that see politics as a genuine public service and a sacrifice but it’s also dangerous for the fabric of our democracy at a time when it’s already under huge strain. Academics call it norm-spoiling. They say when accepted standards and behaviours are undermined it lowers expectations and that lays the ground for a new set of weaker standards to take hold.

“This situation can be put right. But the first step to solving any problem is to acknowledge that there is a problem. It would not be a sign of weakness to say it was a mistake to take the donation and now all the facts are known to give it back. It can still be done and in my view should be done. Sometimes doing the right thing is the hardest thing but you rarely regret it in the end.”

Following the debate another Labour MS, Alun Davies, posted on X: “Many Labour members agree with Lee.” Mr Gething arrived more than an hour after the debate had started and minutes before voting and didn’t speak despite being invited to. You can recap the events here.

Welsh Conservative leader Andrew RT Davies told the chamber: “There is no rule-breaking but the perception of such substantial monies coming into a campaign to lead the country of Wales as First Minister has caused considerable public disquiet, as well as considerable political disquiet among the Labour Party and other political parties.” Plaid Cymru leader Rhun ap Iowerth added: “This episode reflects terribly on the First Minister and his judgement. But we can take a stand here today to defend the integrity of our democracy as a whole.”