Leeds DJ chased by AK47 gun thugs in 'fast and furious' car-jacking in Brazil

snap from his insta confession video
WARNING TAKEN FROM INSTAGRAM CAPTION: Leeds DJ lucky to be alive after gun-toting thugs attempt 'fast and furious' car-jacking in brazil' LINK TO PAGE: -Credit:hotsince82/Instagram

DJ Daley Padley, also known as Hot Since 82, has cancelled upcoming festival appearances after detailing a terrifying experience which saw him fearing for his life after being targeted by a gang in Brazil.

The 41-year-old dance and electronic DJ from Leeds has said he is "broken" after a gang with guns targeted him and his crew after a gig in Rio de Janeiro. He said that quick thinking by his driver which saw them racing down a motorway backwards at 70mph to try and get away from the gunmen saved his life.

He announced to his 520k Instagram followers that he would not be attending Time Warp Festival and Warung Festival in the country as planned after being targeted leaving a gig.

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In an emotional video explaining what happened he said: "I'm feeling a little bit broken right now, feeling very lucky to be alive. Left the club at 5am, still dark, ten minutes into the car journey to the airport we have been followed and pursued by a gang of jackers, murderers, I don't know what they are wearing AK47s."

View his Instagram video here:

He said he thinks that himself and his crew were set up with someone informing the gang of their movements. "They knew exactly where we were, what car, and where we were going to be at what time which leads me to believe we have been set up. If it wasn't for the heroic manoeuvres of our driver I don't know if we would be alive right now. We were on a busy motorway, the car in front had braked for us to stop and then the people hung out of the car windows with balaclavas and AK47s."

"Our driver has put the car in reverse and we've been flying down a busy motorway the wrong way, weaving in and out of cars. If the AK47s didn't get us then we are really lucky we didn't have a really bad car crash because we are weaving in and out of oncoming traffic going 60, 70 mph with the car full of AK47s following us. They were adamant they were going to get us. We had to go miles and miles down the motorway in reverse to try to get away from the shooters."

"Obviously as you can imagine it was like a scene out of fast and furious. I'm giggling about it but I am broken inside. It makes you lose faith in humanity to think somebody has told these shooters where we are going to be. I have had to change hotel rooms and booked the first flight out of here."

posing in car with hat and shades
WARNING TAKEN FROM INSTAGRAM CAPTION: Leeds DJ lucky to be alive after gun-toting thugs attempt 'fast and furious' car-jacking in brazil' LINK TO PAGE: -Credit:hotsince82/Instagram

He said that he is not sure he will ever return to the country after the experience and is leaving immediately to get back to his wife and children. "I don't know if I will ever come back to Brazil now. I sympathise with the people of Brazil who have to live their daily life like this in fear. Going to a club to DJ should be about happiness and bringing joy to people's lives, not leaving a club and wondering if I am going to get home safe."

"I have children at home, my wife is about to deliver our next baby in six weeks time, I can't risk being in a position like this. It's not worth it, no DJ show or fee is worth it. I had such a wicked time in RIO too. The people are amazing and I really sympathise with the people of Brazil who have to live with this, it's not fair. Humanity so cruel man. I feel a bit emotional but I am a bit fkn emotional. So I am out of here, safety first."

There have long been several organised crime gangs in Brazil, with tension continuing to mount between them in the country. Some of them hold a huge amount of power within the country and are heavily armed with powerful weapons. They are heavily invested in drugs in the country and over the years have recruited hundreds of people to their ranks.

The government has taken various measures to address the problem but these efforts have been largely unsuccessful in curbing the violence.

Captioning his announcement, the DJ said: "Rio safety update... be safe , hope you understand, Brazil, sadly, it was only a matter of time before this could potentially happen. Let's pray that these thugs dont win, and that we can travel around this beautiful country and not have to look over our shoulders. This was not a nice experience and l dread to think what would have happened if they caught us. I'm all love here, sorry Brazil."

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He has received thousands of comments of support including from other DJs in the industry. One said: "I'm so sorry this happened to you. I love Brazil and its people but like all parts of the world there is darkness. Blessings that you are ok. Safe travels." while another added: "Crazy brother. Super grateful you are safe."

Some people have also said that gun violence in the country has made them think twice about attending such events. One person on X, formerly known as Twitter, said: "What happened to hot since 82 last night in Rio is terrifying and that's a show I wanted to attend."

"I always think of how much I'm being protected when I choose to sit out a lot of things and just stay home to better myself."