Leeds mum set fire to woman's car after drunken row

Ivy Street in Leeds
-Credit: (Image: Google Maps)

A Leeds mum who set fire to a woman's car after a drunken argument has been spared prison.

Charlotte Guilliatt's nephew had been staying at the woman's house while she drank she her sister, who lived next door, Leeds Crown Court heard on Wednesday. The woman had picked the pair up and dropped them off at the property next door to her, before going into her own home in Ivy Street.

Prosecutor Harry Crowson said: "She picked them up and there seems to have been some sort of argument that continued at home. [Her sister's] husband became involved in the altercation. The woman and her sons could hear the extent of the noise and her son went around to see if they were ok and got abuse back and decided to leave."

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At around 4.30am, the woman woke to find Guilliatt's sister in her bedroom crying. She told her to go home, and she did, but soon after Guilliatt, 323 was "knocking outside" and shouting, "Get my f****** out right now."

Mr Crowson said the woman refused and the row "escalated" with "banging at the door." He said: "They somehow got inside and an assault took place." He said a man at the property "recalls being grabbed around the neck by one of the sisters, said to be Charlotte Guilliatt...Various threats were made and one of them was acted upon."

The court heard a red Skoda mobility car - which the woman had only got 24 hours previously - was damaged using a wooden pallet before Guilliatt, 30, of Neville Place, Halton, put a bottle of wine through the car's back window and set fire to it.

Mr Crowson told Her Honour Judge Penelope Belcher: "You can see the extent of damage caused clearly. The hire company wrote the car off to the value of £11,500. The police attended and weren't able to stop the fire and it eventually ran its course on its own."

In her interview, Guilliatt told police she had been drinking and had been to her sister's. She denied the assault and starting the fire, but "recalled a car window being smashed but said it wasn't her."

Mr Crowson said after a video was played Guilliatt answered "no comment" to questions asked. She went on to plead guilty to arson and assault by beating. The court heard she had one previous conviction and one previous caution. Mitigating, Lily Wildman said: "She accepts her regretful actions and how irresponsible she's been in committing such a serious offence which could have had even more devastating consequences.

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"She accepts full responsibility for it and hasn't made any attempts to evade or disregard her involvement."

The court was told Guilliatt has taken steps to address her drinking and had self-referred to Forward Leeds.

Judge Belcher made her the subject of a 22-month sentence suspended for two years and ordered her to undertake 100 hours of unpaid work and 25 rehabilitation activity requirement days.

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