Legal threat to 'vital', 'transformational' power plant due to be sited at Teesworks

Preparation work for the Net Zero Teesside project and (inset) Tees Valley Mayor Ben Houchen
Preparation work for the Net Zero Teesside project and (inset) Tees Valley Mayor Ben Houchen -Credit:Tom Banks/TVCA

A flagship Teesworks project championed by Tees Valley Mayor Ben Houchen could be threatened by a potential legal challenge in the courts.

The Net Zero Teesside (NZT) power station is the subject of an application for a judicial review being brought by environmental scientist Dr Andrew Boswell and supported by solicitors Leigh Day. The gas-fired plant, which will incorporate a facility allowing carbon dioxide emissions to be captured and stored by being buried under the North Sea, was approved by Energy Secretary Claire Coutinho in February and could create up to 4,000 jobs while powering 1.3m homes with electricity.

It is due to be developed on the site of the former Redcar blast furnace - which was razed to the ground in November 2022 - by the commercial partners in the project oil giant BP and Norwegian-based energy company Equinor. A “forensic” review by Dr Boswell claimed in its conclusion that there would be significantly more greenhouse gas-causing carbon emissions produced than originally predicted.

The review stated that so-called upstream emissions - emissions associated with the supply and transportation of gas, which could also include “fugitive” emissions of methane - had not been considered in calculations that had been made. It is claimed that when these were accounted for, the project would not be compatible with the UK’s net zero carbon commitments and would “hinder rather than help”.

Leigh Day said its lawyers would argue that there “was not a rational or properly reasoned explanation” for the decision to grant a development consent order required for major infrastructure projects of this scale.

In his calculations, Dr Boswell said there would be 20.3m tonnes of carbon dioxide generated by the plant over the next 25 years, with the Government itself in its decision making having assessed this having a “significant adverse impact”. NZT claims 90% of the generated emissions would be captured without being released into the atmosphere.

Dr Boswell said: “When a project produces over 20m tonnes of carbon pollution, it is simply wrong, and misleading, to call it ‘Net Zero’.”

He added: “Fitting the power plant with a carbon capture unit and calling it Net Zero does not constitute a free pass for ignoring the significant impact of its overall emissions. In these times of climate emergency every unit of greenhouse gas emissions matters and should be properly assessed.”

A computer generated image of the Net Zero Teesside Power plant
A computer generated image of the Net Zero Teesside Power plant -Credit:TVCA

Leigh Day solicitor Rowan Smith said it was hoped the High Court, when presented with the arguments being made and the carbon emission calculations, would accept a judicial review and allow the case to progress.

The developers told the BBC they would not comment on legal proceedings, while the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero said it would be "robustly defending" its position. It said £20bn being committed towards carbon capture and storage technology would “drive economic growth and support up to 50,000 jobs in 2030 in our industrial heartlands”.

Meanwhile, in a statement Mr Houchen said: “This is a project which is delivering £4bn of investment and will be the biggest single investment in our area since ICI.

“It will create thousands of well-paid high quality jobs and protect thousands more in the chemical and processing industries across Teesside, Darlington and Hartlepool. It will also play a vital role in our ambition for the Tees Valley to be the world’s first industrial Net Zero cluster.

“Work is continuing at pace to prepare the site and we are confident of delivering on this project which is a world first and is of global importance.”

While preparation work on the 100 acre site at Teesworks has begun - a groundbreaking ceremony having been conducted last autumn - a final investment decision by BP and Equinor is still to be made and is due in September. Assuming all goes to plan, the plant could be operational in 2027.

In February Teesworks Limited director Chris Musgrave said: "We've been hard at work preparing the land, planning consent has been secured, and now nothing is holding us back in getting this transformational scheme off the ground.”