When will Leicester City's 2024/25 Premier League fixtures be released?

General view inside the King Power Stadium
-Credit: (Image: Morgan Harlow/Getty Images)

The Premier League fixtures for the 2024/25 season will be released at 9am on Tuesday, June 18. That is ahead of a new season start date of August 17, with the league campaign ending on May 19, 2025.

Leicester City and their top-flight rivals will play a total of 380 games over 33 weekends, four midweek rounds and one Bank Holiday matchweek next term.

However, there are changes to the new schedule, including no game this year on Christmas Eve. Fans were upset in 2023 when Wolves hosted Chelsea at 1pm the day before Christmas. It is only the second time the Premier League has scheduled a game on December 24.

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The Premier League said: “In keeping with previous commitments made to clubs to address the congested schedule across Christmas and New Year, arrangements will be made to allow more rest time over three of the festive match rounds, with no club playing within 60 hours of another match. There will be no fixture on 24 December 2024.”

Another change sees the end of the mid-season break to allow a mid-August start date for the season as a whole, with the Premier League explaining: “This longer summer break allows all Premier League clubs to be better able to ensure that players get a consecutive three-week rest in the summer.

“This takes into account expert advice from medical and technical departments, which values a longer period of complete rest in the summer rather than a short break in the winter.”