Lengthy Perth Harbour closure process slammed as "farcical" by Perth and Kinross councillor

Councillors voted to close Perth Harbour because it was operating at an annual loss of around £300,000
Councillors voted to close Perth Harbour because it was operating at an annual loss of around £300,000 -Credit:Staff photographer: Richard Wilkins

A Perth City Centre councillor is "bewildered and dismayed by the farcical way" the closure of Perth Harbour is being handled.

Councillors voted to close Perth Harbour 15 months ago in February 2023 - due to it operating at a loss - but has forked out around £105,000 since then to keep it open.

Perth and Kinross Council this week revealed it submitted its formal application - 10 months after its February decision - in December 2023 and has been in close contact with Transport Scotland since then providing additional information.

Both authorities are currently finalising the wording of the public notice before the statutory 42-day consultation period can begin. Cllr Peter Barrett is calling for "rapid progress".

Liberal Democrat councillor Peter Barrett wrote to PKC's director of Economy Place and Learning, Alison Williams, seeking urgent clarification on the application and a definitive timeline for the closure process. At a recent council meeting, he urged SNP council leader Grant Laing to "do his best endeavours to try and get a decision and resolution on Perth Harbour".

On February 8, 2023 councillors voted by 22 votes to 14 to close Perth Harbour which was then operating at a projected loss of around £300,000. Six vessels used Perth Harbour between February 8, 2023 and March 31, 2024.

Last month Perth and Kinross Council revealed it costs "approximately £7,000 a month" to keep the harbour open to commercial traffic and ensure it complies with the requirements of the Port Marine Safety Code.

Cllr Barrett said: "I am bewildered and dismayed by the farcical way this is being handled in public. We need answers.

"Cllr Laing needs to pursue this matter with vigour and directly with the Transport secretary. There are serious financial, reputational and competence issues at stake."

He later added: "The key thing is to start making rapid progress with the harbour closure. We need a firm date for the start of the public consultation process and assurances that it will be conducted, submitted and assessed at pace."

The local authority has said the closure process is complex and requires time.

A PKC spokesperson said: "The process of closing a commercial port operation is a complex one and it is right that Transport Scotland takes the time they need to consider whether the formal application we submitted on December 4 meets all of their requirements. We have continued to keep in regular contact with them and responded to all requests for additional information promptly to keep the process moving.

"Most recently council officers met with Transport Scotland on March 8 to review the current position and the next steps in the process. Updated information requested by Transport Scotland has also been provided following that meeting.

"We are now finalising the public notice wording with Transport Scotland and legal advisers and are looking forward to hearing that our formal application has been accepted in order to start the required 42-day consultation period."

A Transport Scotland spokesperson confirmed: "We’ve been in close contact with Perth and Kinross Council officials since December. We’ve received updated information regarding their closure order application, and are now working with council officials to finalise the public notice wording to enable the statutory consultation period to begin."