Letters: The real problem with the PM is his betrayal of Conservative values

Boris Johnson in the Commons on Wednesday - UK PARLIAMENT/JESSICA TAYLOR
Boris Johnson in the Commons on Wednesday - UK PARLIAMENT/JESSICA TAYLOR

SIR – We voted Conservative at the last election but seem to have ended up with Labour.

Boris Johnson used to talk about small-state, low-tax conservatism. Is it really the same Boris Johnson in Number 10 today?

Having told the French president to “prenez un grip”, he should do the same himself.

David French
Dému, Gers, France

SIR – Boris Johnson reminds me of a highly successful salesman.

Sadly, being a CEO is a very different job, and he can no longer simply rely on his natural strengths. I have felt embarrassed for him in recent weeks.

Mr Johnson needs to get back to his office, organise his team, agree his mission – and make sure that his team accomplishes it.

Michael Anderson
Worthing, West Sussex

SIR – David Davis spoke for millions of Conservative voters when he invoked the damning words of Oliver Cromwell – later used by Leo Amery – in the Commons chamber on Wednesday.

Boris Johnson has served his purpose – preventing Jeremy Corbyn from becoming PM – and is now an increasing liability, as the polls show.

He has consistently abused the trust of his party and treated the electorate with contempt. His credibility is in tatters.

John Rees
London N4

SIR – In pompously quoting Cromwell at our beleaguered Prime Minister, David Davis prompted me to compare the two men.

Mr Davis blew it when competing with David Cameron for the Tory party leadership. By contrast Mr Johnson triumphed over all comers and released Parliament from paralysis by winning a majority in 2019. He is not perfect, but he has apologised. He should stay and Mr Davis should go.

Adrian Greenwood
Halifax, West Yorkshire

SIR – Love him or loathe him, Boris Johnson has done a good job.

Unlike his predecessor, he won a majority at a general election. He got Brexit done. He has dealt with Covid-19.

If you are a Tory – which I am not – please think carefully.

Hugh Salmon
London SE5

SIR – There was a particular day in April 2020 when I was scared to switch on the news because I feared that Boris Johnson’s death was going to be announced.

Thankfully he pulled through but he didn’t take time off to recover. I remember thinking he really wasn’t well enough to run the country, but he did, and has appeared to do so ever since, taking heart-rending decisions to save as many lives as possible.

Hindsight is a wonderful thing and I hope people take that into consideration when judging him.

Valerie Currie
Cheltenham, Gloucestershire

Russian revanchism

SIR – Joe Biden’s political strength is seeping away, Boris Johnson’s credibility is disappearing fast, the new German chancellor is untested and dependent on a fragile coalition, and the French president is only interested in electioneering.

No wonder Vladimir Putin believes that this is the right time for him to invade Ukraine and challenge the resolve of the West. If he truly wishes to re-establish the old Soviet bloc bit by bit, he has been presented with the ideal opportunity to begin his quest. Belarus next, perhaps, and then the Baltic states.

China will be watching with interest, and Taiwan with trepidation.

Robin Nonhebel
Swanage, Dorset

SIR – In 1938 Germany annexed German-speaking Sudetenland with the West’s acquiescence, then invaded Poland in 1939 with Russian connivance.

Russia annexed Russian-speaking Crimea, with little response from the West, and now threatens to invade Ukraine, while Germany temporises, refusing to allow military defence equipment to be supplied to Ukraine and forcing Britain to do so by flying round Germany.

Do others see parallels?

Michael Staples
Seaford, East Sussex

The case for hunting

SIR – I disagree with Arthur Bayley’s suggestion (Letters, January 16) that there is no moral justification for hunting and killing animals with dogs for sport and enjoyment.

For many, the various forms of hunting are both necessary and enjoyable. A lot of people enjoy shooting, stalking, angling, ferreting, ratting and falconry. However, sportsmen do not like to inflict cruelty on their quarry, and to suggest otherwise is unfair and inaccurate.

Those against country sports are often selective about which ones they want banned and, as a result, their beliefs and claims are inconsistent.

James Mulleneux
Wadhurst, East Sussex

SIR – When fox hunting was still legal, a research project was undertaken in which every fox killed by a particular hunt was sent to a laboratory to establish how it had died.

In each case, it was found that the fox had died instantly following a bite on the back of the neck by the lead hound; all the wounds to the body had been inflicted after the fox was dead. Tearing up dead meat is not cruel.

Hunting must be preferable to the current situation, where so many foxes are shot and injured. It is very difficult to shoot dead such a small, swiftly moving target – and so the animals get away and die slowly.

Few of those who hunt have ever been near enough to the front of the chase to see a fox despatched, so it is a myth to claim that enjoying such a spectacle is the reason for hunting. Those opposing it raise no objection to the depiction of savage predation in television wildlife programmes, which are regarded as family entertainment.

Melvyn Owen
St Ives, Huntingdonshire

Political earthquake

SIR – Your second Leading Article (January 16) suggested that, to avoid a collision with an asteroid emerging from one of Earth’s “blind spots”, we should consider shifting “the planet a few inches to the left”.

No – we’ve gone too far to the left already. Let’s move it to the right.

Sir Michael Ferguson Davie
Bath, Somerset

Purpose of HS2

SIR – Keith Forsdick and Keith Whittaker (Letters, January 16) are wrong to claim that the original justification for HS2 was not based on capacity.

Following HS2 Ltd’s report on the options, the command paper published by the Department for Transport in March 2010 stated: “1. That over the next 20 to 30 years the UK will require a step-change in transport capacity between its largest and most productive conurbations, both facilitating and responding to long-term economic growth; 2. That alongside such additional capacity, there are real benefits for the economy and for passengers from improving journey times and hence the connectivity of the UK.”

Mike King
Crawley, West Sussex

SIR – Last week’s letters summed up why HS2 should be frozen.

In addition, claims by HS2 management that speeds of 250 mph will be achieved should be examined. On a journey of barely 100 miles, how much time will be spent travelling at over 200 mph, and to what levels of acceleration and braking will passengers be subjected?

The sunk cost on this project is still small compared with the final estimate.

Ian Simcock
East Grinstead, West Sussex

What the Romans did

SIR – Please allow me to put the woke guilt about the British Empire and the “evils” of colonialism into context.

The invasion in 55 BC and subsequent colonisation of Britain was the best thing that ever happened to this country. Before the Romans arrived, people here were hunter gatherers clad in skins, with social discipline enforced according to the will of the strongest.

When I drive along Ermine Street and the Fosse Way, I salute what the Romans bequeathed to us. Even more so during my career as an English lawyer, when I learnt the value of the rule of law as a concept – originally brought here during 450 or so years of Roman colonisation. Oh, and the Romans brought us Christianity as well. Not everyone’s cup of tea, I grant, but the bedrock of British culture.

All that the Romans brought to us as beneficiaries of Pax Romana, we then brought to many parts of the globe as Pax Britannica. We were treading in worthy footsteps.

The Rev His Honour Peter Morrell
Nassington, Northamptonshire

The perils of relying on renewable energy

a swift negotiates a wind turbine in Camelford, Cornwall - Alamy
a swift negotiates a wind turbine in Camelford, Cornwall - Alamy

SIR – Wind turbines are more than just a blot on the landscape, bad as that is.

They kill birds, bats and insects. The materials of which they are made are largely impossible to recycle. They also fail to do their job, leaving countries needing fossil-fuel back-up.

Solar farms, meanwhile, are built on land that should be used to grow food crops. Again, their energy production is intermittent, especially further north.

With these and other arguments against renewable energy, I am puzzled by the attitude of the supposed green lobby towards the question of energy supplies.

Where is power supposed to come from when the sun doesn’t shine and the wind doesn’t blow (or blows too hard) if coal, oil and gas have been done away with?

Margaret Robinson
London SE9

SIR – Some weeks ago I read that the City of London Corporation was funding the purchase of 131 acres of farmable land near Spetisbury, in Dorset, for a solar energy farm, with the electricity earmarked for the City of London. Many people in Dorset are unhappy about this.

You now report (January 16) that 2,792 acres of arable land on the border between Suffolk and Cambridgeshire may be purchased, compulsorily, in the push for a solar farm, specifically connected to Burwell National Grid.

Before we desecrate England’s green and pleasant land for the benefit of large cities, we should pause and reflect. How do these plans sit with initiatives to rewild the countryside, plant more trees and reduce air miles? Did the recent outpourings at Cop26 mean nothing at all?

Dr Graham Bowden
Lymington, Hampshire

What British cyclists can learn from Sweden

SIR – In Sweden I have yet to see a fellow cyclist wearing lycra, black or otherwise (Letters, January 16).

Here it is de rigueur for riders to wear a bright yellow reflective jacket, gilet or waistcoat.

There is no aggression shown towards cyclists by motorists, and the only hand signal you are likely to get from them is a cheery wave.

Alan G Barstow
Onslunda, Skåne County, Sweden

SIR – In Derby in the 1960s and 1970s, crowd-control police horses near the football ground wore reflective spats on their hooves, which were always illuminated by dipped headlamps.

Armbands and bandoliers are too high for a dipped beam. Reflective pedals or anklets would be much more effective for cyclists who wish to be seen.

Marcus Croome
Truro, Cornwall