Lib Dems steal coastal Norfolk seat from Tories in close contest

Steff Aquarone has been elected the MP for North Norfolk <i>(Image: Owen Sennitt)</i>
Steff Aquarone has been elected the MP for North Norfolk (Image: Owen Sennitt)

Another Tory seat has been lost in Norfolk after the Liberal Democrats stormed to victory in a coastal seat.

Liberal Democrat Steffan Aquarone has been announced as MP for North Norfolk, beating his Conservative rival Duncan Baker by 2585 votes.

It marks a significant swing from 2019, when Mr Baker won with 58.6pc of the vote.

Following the result, Mr Aquarone said: "It has been a mammoth effort the last two years and it has taken every ounce of energy from me and my amazing team. I could not ask more from them.

"I can't quite believe we have done it and I look forward to finding my way around parliament in due course."

Duncan Baker addresses the crowd after the results were announced (Image: Owen Sennitt)

Former Tory MP Mr Baker said he was "bitterly disappointed" to have lost.

"I am bitterly disappointed to have lost but it has been the privilege of my lifetime to serve North Norfolk for the last four and a half years.

"Politics is a brutal game but I wish Steff all the best."

North Norfolk was formerly a Labour stronghold from 1945 to 1970 but since then it has been a two-horse race between the Liberal Democrats and the Conservatives.

Tory MP Ralph Howell kept his seat for seven constituencies between 1970 and 1992.

In 2001, Norman Lamb became MP for the Liberal Democrats, who spent nearly two decades as an MP, until he stood down in 2019.

That year, Mr Baker turned North Norfolk blue again.

Steff Aquarone speaking to the crowd after the result (Image: Owen Sennitt)

Speaking about his rival, Mr Aquarone added: "Despite our disagreements on many matters, I can't fault his work ethic and the extent he made himself available to his constituents, I wish his family well."

The full results of the North Norfolk parliamentary elections are:

Steffan Aquarone, Liberal Democrats - 19,488

Duncan Baker, Conservatives - 16,903

Catherine Cordiner-Achenbach, Labour - 2878

Liz Dixon, Green Party - 1406

Jason Patchett, Reform - 6368