Liberal Democrats win Eastleigh as Conservative vote collapses

Lib Dems celebrate winning Eastleigh <i>(Image: NQ)</i>
Lib Dems celebrate winning Eastleigh (Image: NQ)

The Liberal Democrats have won Eastleigh from the Conservatives at the general election.

The Tories have held the town's constituency since 2013.

However, it turned orange just before 2am on Friday morning.

Ms Jarvis has won the constituency with 15,970 seats of the votes, narrowly beating the Conservative candidate, Sam Joynson.

Mr Joynson received 14,424 votes with the Labour candidate, Daniel Shearer getting 7005 votes in third place.

LIVE UPDATES: Updates in Eastleigh election candidate

In her speech, Ms Jarvis thanked her supporters and she vowed to fight for every single one of her constituents.

She said: "I know that many of you were let down and taken for granted by an out of touch Conservative government. To everyone here in Eastleigh no matter how you voted in this election you have my word I will fight for you all year round and I promise to be your local champion in parliament.

"I am truly humbled by the faith of the people of Eastleigh have put in tonight."