Lincoln mum's message to fellow cancer patients after chemotherapy at home treatment

A mother who credits her recovery from cancer with being able to undergo chemotherapy at home is aiming to make more people aware that home treatment is an option. Elaine Parkinson, 55, Lincoln, had never been to a hospital, and on hearing her cancer diagnosis, it was the thought of having treatment there which frightened her most.

Ms Parkinson's message comes as a study reveals three out of four cancer patients would be happy to receive their chemotherapy treatment at home instead of a hospital or clinic – but only one in four are aware home treatment is an option they can try. When Elaine's oncologist told her she could have chemotherapy at home, she was instantly relieved.

She said: "I’ve never even been in a hospital before. The cancer diagnosis is a shock and then you have lots of new things to deal with.

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"To be able to have treatment in your own home and be able to just get on with your life means that your life doesn’t have to go completely on hold.

“When you have your treatment at home, sometimes you're not aware that it's actually going on and that you're actually having chemotherapy. It didn't feel like that clinical atmosphere. I could have my friends here, and I even had my dog sat by my side all the time all the way through my treatment, and that was really reassuring.

"My family is most important to me in my life. I had a good friendship and a good bond with my nurse, Lucy, because she was so friendly and warm, and she would turn up every time with the biggest smile on her face - nothing was too much trouble. If my family asked any questions, Lucy would provide all the information, and it reassured them."

Lucy Boardman, Sciensus Specialist Chemotherapy Practice Development Nurse, said: "We are able to provide the same level of service that we would provide in a hospital setting in a patient's own home. This job is a real privilege job – we are invited into someone's home, so that's why it's so important to make it a personal and individualised experience."

Studies also revealed that those who undergo home treatment are less likely to report having issues. Only 20 per cent of patients who had chemotherapy at home said they faced challenges during their treatment, compared to 52 per cent of patients who had chemotherapy in a clinic.

The research was commissioned by Sciensus, a leading pharma services business, focusing on patients across the UK who had recently received chemotherapy both at home or in a clinic.

Elaine added: “I had no idea having chemotherapy at home was even an option. I want more people to understand that it is possible and to ask their doctor what is available in their location.

"Sciensus was amazing from day one, you knew exactly where you were at all times because they were so good with the communication. Right at the beginning I rang the care bureau who gave me excellent advice and told me what I could and couldn't take so it was reassuring knowing that they were there 24 hours and I could contact that number anytime I wanted for that.

"The lengths that they go to look after the patients is inspiring. Life is now starting to return to a bit more normality.

"It was a difficult time, but Sciensus has really made it so much easier it's just such a great service that they provide. I know I had an easier recovery because I had my treatment at home. It suited me and my family and made a very difficult time more manageable both physically and mentally."