Lisa Dorrian murder timeline as family tells killer 'This is not over for us and it's not over for you'

Lisa's name has now been added to her mother's headstone as their loved ones wait for her body to be recovered 19 years after she was murdered
-Credit: (Image: Dorrian Family)

Her name is set in stone today 19 years after her murder, but Lisa Dorrian's family have still to experience the dignity of a burial for the 25-year-old who was killed by a person she trusted.

The search for her body and for answers as to why she was murdered and disappeared in February 2005 have now entered their 20th year and her loved ones say they will never give up.

Today we recount Lisa's movement's before her death and the timeline of events that police are dealing with in the current investigation, from the early assumption that she was a missing person to confirming she had been murdered, to discrepancies as to the time of her death and the Dorrian family's turmoil across two decades.

Read more: Headstone for murder victim Lisa Dorrian strengthens family's determination to see killer brought to justice

Read more: Charlotte's Law: New legislation to be introduced for killers who refuse to disclose location of victims' remains

Lisa's sister Joanne, said: “Seeing the timeline is black and white is horrific but we remain confident we will be able to bring Lisa back to where she belongs and let her rest with our mum Pat.

"Accepting Lisa is dead, accepting she was murdered, accepting her killer still walks free on the streets in Northern Ireland does not mean we have moved on. And I can assure her killer and the person who helped hide my sister's body, this is not over for us and it's not over for you."

Lisa Dorrian -Credit:PA
Lisa Dorrian -Credit:PA

The Victim

Lisa Dorrian, 25, was a shop assistant from Bangor, who went missing on February 28, 2005. She left behind her mother and father, Pat and John, and three younger sisters, Joanne, Michelle and Ciara.

The fateful evening

Lisa spent the evening before she vanished partying in the Newtownards house before she travelled to a party in Ballyhalbert Caravan Park, out of season and all but abandoned by holiday makers.

The last man to see Lisa alive, was Mark Lovett, a then 17-year-old groundsman and labourer at the park, who was also at the party.

In a police statement Mark Lovett told officers that he and Lisa had been together in the caravan when they saw flashing lights outside, accompanied by loud noises at about 4.45am. He said the pair were frightened and left the caravan, running into the darkness initially together, but they lost each other.

Mark Lovett confirmed that he dialled Lisa’s mobile phone but said it went unanswered.

Lisa was never seen again.


To date, police have arrested 10 people, but to date no one has been charged with either the murder or disappearance of Lisa Dorrian. The PSNI are still actively working Lisa's case and have one suspect who they believe strangled Lisa before disposing of her remains in a secret pact with another male, a pact that has now run into its 20th year.

Lisa’s last moments alive

Detectives believe that Lisa was strangled in the Ballyhalbert caravan and her body was secretly buried a short distance away.
The caravan in which she was last seen and which had been held by police for forensic testing for years, has finally been destroyed.

But multiple and repeated tests had failed to locate any trace of Lisa’s blood or any indication of her killer, who is understood to have contacted a trusted family member to help them hide Lisa’s body.

The interior of Lisa Dorrian's caravan in 2005
The interior of Lisa Dorrian's caravan in 2005 -Credit:Dorrian family

The Evidence

With the third police team now working on the Lisa Dorrian murder case, a series of phone calls made around the time of her disappearance plus subsequent statements from witnesses at the party have all proved invaluable.

Information from one person who had not been under the influence of drink or drugs while in the caravan while Lisa was alive, told police that Mark Lovett and Lisa had been “hallucinating” in the hours before her disappearance.

The witness reported that he called Lovett at 1.15am on February 28, 2005, to check if both he and Lisa were safe.

In police statements he reported how Lovett appeared incoherent and talked about “seeing things” before ending the call.

One of the recently rediscovered photos of Lisa Dorrian -Credit:Dorrian family
One of the recently rediscovered photos of Lisa Dorrian -Credit:Dorrian family

The Investigation
To date the PSNI has pursued almost 4,000 lines of inquiry and carried out 400 land, air and sea searches.

The most recent searches were at a disused airfield behind Ballyhalbert Caravan Park. While remains were found during the searches, they were confirmed to be those of animal carcasses.

At the time, now-retired Detective Superintendent Jason Murphy’s officers used new technology that was not available when Lisa was disappearance in 2005.

And today the exact time that the murder took place is in question.

Mark Lovett, the last man to see Lisa alive as he confirmed to police, said the pair ran from the caravan at 4.45am but DS Murphy says there is telecoms evidence which suggests Lisa may have been dead before then.

The former PSNI officer said: “I know that Lisa was alive between 10pm and 10.30pm. There was a phone call made at 1.15am [to Mark Lovett] and that phone call for me is relevant. There is a possibility that Lisa was already dead at that stage. My question is, what happens between 10.30pm and 1.15am and what happens between 1.15am and 4.45am?”

DS Murphy believes Lisa could potentially have died between 10.30pm on February 27 and 1.15am on February 28 and not as late as 4.45am on February 28.

PSNI begin new search for woman Lisa Dorrian who was murdered 16 years ago. An underwater team have begun searching disused clay pits in the Ballyhalbert area of Co. Down. -Credit: Jonathan Porter/PressEye
PSNI begin new search for woman Lisa Dorrian who was murdered 16 years ago. An underwater team have begun searching disused clay pits in the Ballyhalbert area of Co. Down. -Credit: Jonathan Porter/PressEye

Fight For Answers and Justice
Lisa’s family has spent almost two decades waiting for her return, knowing that she is dead and wanting a Christian burial for her.

On Sunday, February 2, 2024 they gathered at the graveside of Pat Dorrian, Lisa’s mother who passed away in 2015.

And on her headstone is now etched the name Lisa, her date of birth and the assumed date of her disappearance.

A campaign for justice led by Lisa’s sister Joanne with the full backing from her sisters Michelle and Ciara and their father John, continues and the Dorrian family remain resolute in their determination to see justice done.

Not only are they working towards their own answers and conclusions, they have fiercely backed the proposed Charlotte’s Law which would keep convicted killers behind bars until they reveal the location of their victim’s body.

Separate rewards of £5,000, £10,000 and £50,000, endless appeals, anniversary interviews and documentaries have still not triggered the truth about the whereabouts of Lisa’s body.

But the family say there will be an answer, there will be a burial and there will be justice.

Joanne said: “We have now hit the 19th anniversary of the murder and disappearance of our beloved sister and daughter, Lisa.

“Our best hope is that we find her remains and allow her a Christian burial with Mum. We have had to accept over the years that Lisa is dead, she was harmed in the most heinous way, her life was taken.

“From the moment we knew she was missing I feared she was dead. On day nine of our search and our pleas to police to help us, they announced that Lisa's missing person’s case had been changed to a murder enquiry.

“Our lives were shattered, not wanting to believe it, hoping they were wrong, wishing she would just walk through the door but knowing deep inside that Lisa was lost to us.

“It took years to learn to accept that truth and it cuts deep, it hurts every day. And what makes it worse is knowing that there are people out there who know where Lisa is and feel able to keep silent for almost two decades.

“I want to assure them that their silence will not make us go away because this is not over for us, Lisa’s family, and it’s not over for those who killed her and hid her body. It is not over.”

Murder Timeline

Sunday, February 27 into Monday, February 28, 2005
Lisa Dorrian, 25, a shop assistant from Bangor, Co Down, attends a house party in Ballyhalbert with a new group of friends following the break up of her relationship.

Lisa travels the short distance to static caravan at a park in Ballyhalbert, on the Ards peninsula. Amongst other people there is the last man to see her alive, then aged 17, Mark Lovett.

The pair are left alone in the caravan. Mark Lovett reports them being spooked by flashing lights in the darkness and loud noises coming from outside. He reports how he leaves the caravan with Lisa who runs into the night never to be seen again. He tells police Lisa was last seen around 5am.

John Dorrian, Lisa's dad with Denise Murray, Charlotte's twin and their sister Sinead Corrigan, and Diane Dodds
John Dorrian, Lisa's dad with Denise Murray, Charlotte's twin and their sister Sinead Corrigan, and Diane Dodds

March 1 - 5, 2005
Joanne Dorrian has not heard from her sister and starts to become concerned when her phone rings out.

Joanne calls a number of Lisa’s friends and appeals for information about where she had last been seen over the weekend.

She contacts police with her fears that something terrible has happened to Lisa and drives endless roads around the coast and countryside in an attempt to find her, fearing she would succumb to the bitter cold if she had had an accident.

March 6, 2005
The police are now treating Lisa as a missing person. Her parents, John and Pat, make a public appeal for information and her whereabouts in the previous six days.

John says: “If she is out there and sees all this involvement with the police and the media, it doesn’t matter. Don’t worry about it, come back.” Police say they cannot rule out that a crime has taken place.

March 7, 2005
Searches are stepped up as police involvement intensifies prompting extensive air, land and sea searches along the Ards Peninsula.

Police carry out a reconstruction at 5am GMT, timed to the exact hour Lisa was initially assumed to have gone missing.

Drivers on the coast roads around Ballyhalbert are stopped and prompted for information. A former boyfriend of Lisa said she had been spending more time in the Ballyhalbert area.

March 13, 2005

PSNI escalate their missing persons case to a murder investigation.

Fears are raised that loyalist paramilitary interests are preventing people coming forward with information.

Graffiti appears in Ballyhalbert linking the murder to the paramilitary Loyalist Volunteer Force.

April 28, 2005
A £10,000 reward offered for information leading to the recovery of Lisa’s body.

The Dorrian family offer the money hoping to bring their horror to a conclusion and to give their daughter a resting place.

Dad John Dorrian, said: “This has ripped the family apart and we cannot move on until we can give Lisa a Christian burial.”

May 17, 2005
A BBC Spotlight investigation claims loyalist paramilitary groups are carrying out a parallel investigation into the death of Lisa Dorrian.

The programme reports that members of the UFV and Red Hand Commando had interrogated two teenagers over her disappearance, and believed the LVF are behind the crime.

David Ervine, then leader of the Progressive Unionist Party which is closely linked to the UVF, said he “had no doubt” that Lisa was killed by the LVF.

He appealed to those involved but no information was forthcoming to Mr Ervine.

Lisa’s mother, Pat, said their family is willing to speak to loyalist paramilitaries about finding Lisa but did not “want any retaliation and comeback”. The police later confirmed there was no paramilitary involvement in Lisa's murder or disappearance and rumours created a smoke screen to protect the real culprit.

May 19, 2005
A memorial service is held for Lisa and a park bench is put in place in the grounds of council offices in Bangor.

Lisa Dorrian
Lisa Dorrian

May 27, 2005
Conflicting accounts over phone calls made around the time Lisa disappeared, emerge.

Two men questioned over the murder gave different accounts of a phone call said to be made moments after she disappeared.

In one, Mark Lovett, claimed to be the last person to see Lisa before she vanished, and said the pair had been frightened by lights and noises outside the caravan where they were partying. Lovett said they ran away together but that he lost Lisa in the dark.

He told police that he called Lisa’s mobile phone and spoke to a man known to Lisa who, he claimed, told him he was in Bangor, Co Down, with a female.

This male is reported to have told police he was in the company of a male and a female in a flat in Ballywalter, and that Lisa’s phone had been left in the flat.

Two separate allegations are made regarding Lisa’s death during two meetings at Belfast City Hall - the first was that she was being harassed by two men over money for drugs in the weeks leading up to her death and the second was that she was minding £20,000 at her Bangor flat for a male. The details of these unsubstantiated allegations were given to David Ervine who passed them to police.

May 31, 2005
The Dorrian family meet with David Ervine who stressed his involvement was a bid to help the family with no political agenda.
Mr Ervine described the circumstances around the murder as a 'cesspit' and added: “If you leave cesspits alone, they multiply.”

June 12, 2005
Lisa’s family release 26 balloons over Bangor’s seafront to mark her 26th birthday.

June 28, 2005
Lisa’s sisters Michelle and Joanne and their father John are joined by Linfield manager David Jeffrey and Glentoran counterpart Paul Millar, with players from both teams to show their support for the family before the Setanta cup game at the Oval in Belfast.

The original caravan in Ballyhalbert where Lisa Dorrian was last seen alive. Feb 2, 2019 -Credit:© Alan Lewis - Photopress Belfast ©
The original caravan in Ballyhalbert where Lisa Dorrian was last seen alive. Feb 2, 2019 -Credit:© Alan Lewis - Photopress Belfast ©

July 1, 2005
Fundraising to keep the Lisa Dorrian appeal in the public eye steps up. Blue ribbons are given out to support attempts to locate Lisa’s body. Four people questioned by police about the murder have been released without charge.

September 16, 2005

Police say they believe Lisa’s body may have been submerged in water and appeal to boat owners in the Ards Peninsula to check their vessels for signs they had been tampered with or broken into.

August 23, 2006
Rock band Snow Patrol pledges its support to the efforts to find Lisa’s body and wear blue ribbons during their performance at a gig in Belfast to highlight the family's plight.

December 11, 2007
Lisa's family mark 1,017 days since her disappearance as they prepare for another Christmas without her.
Dad John, says the family still feel “just like it happened yesterday” and appeals for information.
He said: “We would appeal to them in humanity, please any small bit of information, give it in confidence. It is gnawing in our stomach, we know she’s out there somewhere. It would give us great relief if we could just know where she was.”

Press Eye Belfast - Northern Ireland 2nd April 2019 Pictured is Lisa's sister Joanne. The scene beside Ballyhalbert caravan park on the Ards Peninsula, Co. Down, where the PSNI have begun a fresh search for Lisa Dorrian. The woman from Bangor disappeared from the caravan park in 2005. Picture by Jonathan Porter/
Press Eye Belfast - Northern Ireland 2nd April 2019 Pictured is Lisa's sister Joanne. The scene beside Ballyhalbert caravan park on the Ards Peninsula, Co. Down, where the PSNI have begun a fresh search for Lisa Dorrian. The woman from Bangor disappeared from the caravan park in 2005. Picture by Jonathan Porter/

October 16, 2012
Police investigate an area of farmland near Comber, Co Down, as part of a search for a vehicle possibly used in Lisa’s disappearance. No evidence is found and the search is called off.

February23, 2015
Shortly before the tenth anniversary of Lisa’s disappearance, her family once again appeal for information.
Crimestoppers offers a new reward of up to £5,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible.

June 28, 2015
Convicted killer Jimmy Seales tells a newspaper that he knows where the body of Lisa Dorrian is buried, claiming she was dumped in a sealed container on an illegal landfill site near Ballygowan, Co Down. No human remains are found.

December 28, 2016
Lisa’s mum Pat dies aged 59. Her daughters later say she died from a broken heart over the death and disappearance of Lisa.

Family friend Lady Sylvia Hermon said: “News of Pat’s death has come as a dreadful shock, and I’m still trying to come to terms with the fact I won’t see her again or hear her distinctive voice or share another pot of tea with her.

“The pain of losing Lisa, her eldest daughter, in such awful circumstances and of never having had the chance to give her a proper Christian burial undoubtedly took a terrible toll on Pat’s health.

“Her heart ached every day of every year without Lisa. Every day she longed for the discovery and return of Lisa’s remains, but that just wasn’t to be. It’s so very sad and so cruel that Pat hasn’t lived long enough for that to happen.”

January 5, 2017
The funeral of Pat Dorrian, Lisa’s mother, takes place followed by a burial at Clandeboye Cemetery, Bangor.

Mourners are told that the death of her daughter “took an unbearable toll” on Pat and that while her wish to see Lisa buried would not be fulfilled for her, “it is one that can still be fulfilled for her family”.

February 15, 2017
Police search land outside Comber for Lisa’s body. The search ends a week later with no human remains being found.

February 28, 2017
Lisa’s dad and sisters recorded a video message appealing for help on the twelfth anniversary of her death.

They address the person who was with Lisa at the moment she died, and say: “It’s never too late to tell us. A place is all we need. Please help yourself by easing your conscience. Tell us where Lisa is.”

June 29, 2018
Following an appeal on BBC’s Crimewatch three fresh search sites are identified and worked by specialist police officers gets underway, including wooded areas in Craigantlet Co Down and Carrickfergus, co Antrim with specially-trained police dogs.
Joanne says: “We have endured 13 years of torture. We lost my mum about two and a half years ago and she just couldn’t cope with not having Lisa. No evidenced is found.

April 1, 2019
More than 40 police and specialist search personnel move into Ballyhalbert at dawn as police announce fresh searches of the caravan park in Ballyhalbert, Co Down where Lisa was last seen alive.

Searches started at a disused RAF airfield in the seaside village and include a vast area of underground bunkers and ponds. Ground penetrating equipment is deployed in the search. No human remains are found.

Lisa and her her heartbroken mum Pat
Lisa and her her heartbroken mum Pat

April 5, 2019
A man and a woman are arrested in connection with the disappearance and murder of Lisa. A PSNI spokesperson said: “A 49-year-old man and a 34-year-old woman were arrested today in the Newtownards and Ballyhalbert areas on suspicion of murder. They have been taken to Musgrave Serious Crime Suite for questioning.” The pair were released without charge.

April 20, 2022
A multi-millionaire TV reality star and dad-of-six donates £50,000 to boost a reward fund for information about the location of Lisa's body. The donation was made by businessman Barrie Drewitt-Barlow.

September 10, 2023
Lisa’s family release the image of the last place she was before she went missing, a caravan on the Ballyhalbert site that was transported to PSNI property for full forensic examination and has since been destroyed.

The interior of Lisa Dorrian's caravan in 2005
Lisa Dorrian's sisters Michelle and Joanne at the memorial park bench in Bangor -Credit:Alan Lewis-Photopress

October 4, 2023
Netflix broadcasts a new crime series examining the unsolved murders of four women in Northern Ireland aged from 15 to 25 including Lisa. The lives and deaths of Lisa Dorrian, Inga Maria Hauser, Arlene Arkinson and Marian Beattie will be revealed in detail as their families continue their search for answers and justice.

February 12, 2024
Work starts on the gravestone which marks Pat Dorrian’s burial place in Clandeboye Cemetery, Bangor. Lisa’s name is included with the words LISA: 12th June 1979- MISSING SINCE 28th FEB - 2005.

Lisa Dorrian's name has been added to her mother's gravestone 19 years after she was murdered and her body disappeared
Lisa Dorrian's name has been added to her mother's gravestone 19 years after she was murdered and her body disappeared

February 25, 2024
The Dorrian family visit the family grave at Clandeboye Cemetery and see Lisa’s name on the headstone for the first time.
Joanne said: “Those words were very carefully chosen. Just two dates and nothing else at this stage because we’re not finished. There will be more added to the gravestone when we have Lisa returned to us.

"For now we are content we’ve done the right thing as a family. Then Lisa will be buried with mum and her life and our love for her will be memorialised on the headstone, just as we have with mum.”

Pat Dorrian died in 2015 not knowing where her daughter had been secretly buried by her killer 10 years earlier
Lisa Dorrian -Credit:flickr

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