Litter louts dump rubbish hours after volunteers cleared 10-miles of rural roadside
Takeaway debris was found chucked on a Trossachs roadside 40 miles from where it was purchased, just hours after volunteers had spent the day clearing 10 miles of rural roads of litter.
Trossachs Community Council had organised their Spring litter pick on April 21, clearing an extensive stretch of the A821 and Duke’s Pass of discarded litter and other waste.
But on the way back they discovered culprits had already dumped more rubbish.
Trossachs and Teith SNP councillor Gene Maxwell told a full meeting of Stirling Council recently: “The real problem - the real shame - was that...when people were walking down and driving into Callander later that evening, there spread along the road was a McDonalds ready meal for two - complete with the receipt.
“That ready meal had left Hamilton Services at 10.03am - and at 6.30/7pm there it was scattered down the side of the road in the Trossachs.”
The council unanimously backed a motion lodged by Councillor Maxwell congratulating Trossachs Community Council of Brig O’Turk for organising another “highly successful” Spring ‘Litter Pick’, which saw 25 per cent of their residents involved.
He said: “It’s a small population - but a quarter of the village and the wider community turned out - 23 adults, 12 children. Ten miles of road were ‘wombled’ using support from the council in terms of the bin bags and the litter pickers and a supply of gloves and the council agreed to come and pick all the stuff up.
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“I think this was a heartening example of community engagement and the power of volunteer action to clear what turned out to be a very large pile of rubbish left by people throwing stuff out the car windows and a degree of flytipping too - tyres and all sorts of stuff.”
Council leader Cllr Chris Kane said, having done litter picks himself, the sense of accomplishment can quickly turn to anger that it had to be done in the first place.
He added: “To all of these inconsiderate individuals - I could use stronger words but I’d get into trouble - take your litter home with you, put it in the bin. There’s absolutely no excuse.
“What happened with Trossachs Community Council in doing this particularly good piece of work is they exposed themselves to danger by doing it on the side of a road.
“If you are out and about or having a picnic and in the car, don’t roll the window down and throw your litter out. In 2024 that I have to say that is absolutely ridiculous.
“But to Trossachs Community Council and every other group that’s been doing litter picks across the district, well done and keep up the good work.”
Trossachs and Teith Conservative councillor Martin Earl, praised both organised litter picks and individuals who pick litter up while out and about.
But he added: “Two of the words we probably can use are ignorant and selfish - because they are ignorant and selfish people that litter like this.
“We hear a lot - often, repeatedly - about personal rights. We need to hear more about personal responsibilities as well because it shouldn’t be down to other people to go and pick up other people’s rubbish.”
Environment, transport and net zero convener, Labour’s Cllr Jen Preston, said the council would support any communities who want to organise litter picks with litter pickers, bags, and collection.”
And Green councillor Alasdair Tollemache took the opportunity to highlight new Facebook page Stirling Litter Pickers, adding: “This is a constituent in Dunblane who has been doing a lot of litter picking in Dunblane. There is now a Facebook page and since that’s been up and running for about 8-10 weeks and the difference in parts of Stirling has been huge.”
Earlier this year Councillor Tollemache raised the issue of drivers and passengers throwing rubbish from car windows at a meeting of the council’s public safety committee, with Head of road policing for Forth Valley Police Division, Inspector Andrew Thomson confirming it was an offence, and came under the same legislation as littering.
The inspector added: “Just because you are in a car doesn’t make any difference in that respect. Where officers do see people doing that we do engage with them. The legislation states that we need to give people the option to pick it up rather than straight away reaching for enforcement measures, and mostly people will do that because they understand, maybe just doing it out of habit and they don’t realise the implications of it.”
In 2018, North Ayrshire Council became the first local authority in Scotland to use dashcam footage to help penalise litter bugs tossing rubbish from moving vehicles, under Section 87 of the Environmental Protection (Scotland) Act, which makes littering a criminal offence.