The little boy who will grow up without his dad because of a cowardly killer

Vincent McDonagh with his fiancé Demi Leigh Sykes and their son Frankie -Credit:Family handout
Vincent McDonagh with his fiancé Demi Leigh Sykes and their son Frankie -Credit:Family handout

It was one for the family scrapbook. Little Frankie, surrounded by his loving parents on a day out at the beach. Vinny McDonagh loved being a dad. He was looking forward to the years of watching his son grow into a man.

But all that was ripped away in an instant, when he was brutally murdered by a man who he'd shown nothing but kindness. Vinny, 45, had lent Lee Burns £20 before so they could go for a drink at the pub together.

Burns repaid that goodwill with unspeakable violence, in a killing which has had devastating repercussions. After punching, kicking and stamping on Vinny's head in an argument over ‘nothing’, Burns just walked away and left him dying on the pavement.

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As well as having a young son, who is just four, Vinny was engaged and was planning to get married. Instead of planning their big day, his partner Demi Leigh Sykes had to call a priest, to arrange for his body to be blessed in a hospital mortuary.

She bravely faced her fiancé's killer in court when Burns was handed a life sentence on Wednesday. Demi, from Oldham, wept as she told Burns exactly what his cowardly behaviour had meant to her family.

After the hearing at Manchester Crown Court, in which Burns was ordered to serve at least 21 years in jail, Demi described the experience of 'looking at the man that has taken everything away from us'. "It was horrible," she told the Manchester Evening News. "He has given us a life sentence. I hope he suffers. He doesn't deserve to be living.

Lee Burns -Credit:GMP
Lee Burns -Credit:GMP

"Even when I was looking at him reading my statement, there was nothing there. I can't even explain how I feel. I don't think there are any words." Burns, 38, showed no emotion as a judge branded him as 'devious' and 'manipulative'. The judge said Burns had tried to sully Vinny’s character in the face of overwhelming evidence by falsely claiming he feared that his victim had a knife.

He pleaded not guilty and put his victim's loved ones through the ordeal of a Crown court trial. The motivation for the killing is unclear, but it is thought that Burns, who has an appalling criminal record and was once jailed for 10 years for attacks on two elderly women, was angered by Vinny using his mobile phone.

But Vinny had done nothing to justify any attack, never mind anything with the ferocity of Burns' cowardly act. Demi was left unable to say goodbye to her partner of seven years. They had met during a stint in hospital, and soon after struck up a relationship. Their family became complete in 2019 with the birth of little Frankie.

"I moved into his house from there and I never went home," Demi told the M.E.N, speaking of her partner. "He was amazing. He idolised Frankie. It was them two against me. He was the best dad. All he ever wanted to be was a dad."

She said that during a difficult pregnancy Vinny was always by her side. "Every single day he was there, he never left me," she added. "He was so funny, he was so helpful. He would help anyone."

Demi spoke outside court alongside Detective Inspector Paul Davies of GMP -Credit:Manchester Evening News
Demi spoke outside court alongside Detective Inspector Paul Davies of GMP -Credit:Manchester Evening News

Demi vividly recalls the moment, on the morning of November 10 last year, police arrived at her door the morning after the attack. "I was going to the hospital with Frankie," she said. "I was stood at the window, and two girls walked through the door.

"I remember everything, and what they looked like. I fell to my knees and just grabbed the baby." She said Frankie has not been able to process the devastating news about his father, given his tender age. "He is just really not coping,” Demi said.

She recalls how Frankie often runs around 'screaming' while asking where his dad is. "He has got to live the rest of his life without his dad," she said.

"He starts big school in a few months. Vinny is not even going to be there to see him." Vinny, who was born in Dublin, also leaves behind a large family in Ireland. Some of his loved ones back home watched the court proceedings in Manchester by video link.

His sister Lillian O'Toole said she booked on the first flight to the UK after hearing about her sibling's murder. She said the flight was only an hour but that it felt like 'forever'.

In a statement read in court on her behalf, she said: "It pains me knowing he was just left to die in the street, and the person who did this just walked away, as if they had done nothing wrong and showed no remorse.

"I thought cancer would be the worst thing I could ever face. But when I got that call I realised I was wrong." Demi's brave, emotional testimony in court as she addressed Burns will live long in the memory, and was ringing in the killer's ears as he sat in the dock. "I still can't believe that Vinny is gone," she said. "I don't think I will ever come to terms with what has happened.

"That night in November, I will never forget, the night my life changed forever, and my world fell apart. I will never forget where I was when I heard that knock on the door.

Demi Leigh Sykes outside Manchester Crown Court after the sentencing of Lee Burns -Credit:Manchester Evening News
Demi Leigh Sykes outside Manchester Crown Court after the sentencing of Lee Burns -Credit:Manchester Evening News

"I grieve for the life we still had to live and the memories we were yet to share. Me and Vinny were engaged and should have been looking forward to raising our son together, planning a wedding, maybe having more children, moving home.

"Things that all have been robbed by the actions of one man. Instead of planning a wedding I had a priest come to the mortuary to bless Vinny. Frankie has to grow up without his dad. He will have such limited memories of the time we shared together.

"I hear him in the night screaming out for him. This man has no idea what he has done to me, to Frankie, to everyone. I was robbed of the chance to say goodbye to Vinny. Everything was taken out of my control.

"He didn't get to watch Frankie grow up. The fact that man gets to live and breathe every day, and gets three meals every day, he will get to speak to his family, it seems so unfair when he took that from us.

"I don't know how anyone can take the life of another. It feels like it is only me and my family that are being punished. Nothing will ever be justice for what he has taken from us. I will never forget what he has put us through. I will never be okay."

Lee Burns was sentenced to life in prison, to serve a minimum of 21 years, after being found guilty of Vinny's murder.

After the hearing, Detective Inspector Paul Davies from GMP's Serious Crime Division said: "I would like to convey my deepest condolences to Vinny’s fiancé Demi and their son Frankie, who will have to continue their lives without Vinny, something that will undoubtedly leave a huge void in their family."