Live with it or move!' - Coventry residents slam objections to new reggae festival

Coventry Live readers have been mostly unsympathetic to local concerns over noise pollution regarding a new festival, 'Caribbean Reggae Fever', scheduled to take place in Coventry later this month. The event is planned for the weekend of 20 July at War Memorial Park. They have been having their say in our comments section and over on our Facebook page.

The organisers have applied for a licence to host live music and serve alcohol from 11am to 10pm over a three-day period. However, according to city council meeting documents, a local resident has expressed their disapproval of the event. A local resident has argued that the licence application lacks details on how the community will be protected from being "inconvenienced" by the noise from the event.

The event is billed as an annual celebration of Caribbean Culture which "showcases the contribution the community has made to the cultural and economic growth of the city whilst reflecting Coventry's status as a city of peace and reconciliation."

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Coventry Council officers have recommended that a licence application be approved, highlighting the "comprehensive" operating schedule and the conditions proposed to ensure the licensing objective of preventing public nuisance is met.

Commenter Rockstargeorgiesaint is unhappy: “I never attend these so-called festivals. If anybody needs to listen to music then they can do so within their own homes. With headphones.”

Tallis has concerns: “Noise aside, in light of the rioting youths at the Godiva, I think any additional festival, especially as booze would be served, is not a good idea.”

Vin.welton replies: “I can concur as a resident in the area, that the music can interfere with daily life. However the Godiva Festival was well regulated re: the volume of noise. I believe it will be much more difficult to control the type of music played at the forthcoming event and it would have to be extremely well monitored if it is to escape a number of complaints from residents living near to the Memorial Park.”

Cane09 writes: “NIMBY types!! Does that mean they don’t go to any events anywhere in solidarity with local residents? I have a school near me and lots of the pupils walk down my street on the way home, can we close the school down? Their constant laughing and chatter in the mornings really does disturb my chamomile tea!”

Markos1975 agrees: “Get over it, or simply move house. Moan moan moan, it’s a few days. Certain events may cause disruption, so choose to live elsewhere, the same as everyone else can. I’m pretty sure the park has been there longer than any of the current residents living nearby.”

In-the-news writes: “I live next to the Memorial Park. It is a privilege and a few loud events are the price of living here. Just manage traffic and litter.”

Terryref also thinks: “4 days in one year there is a festival with bands/traffic and noise, big deal! Get over it and enjoy a weekend away during the festival. The Memorial Park is a public park that we pay for in our taxes. It is used extensively by people for Parkruns, remembrance day and lots more. Why buy a place next to it then moan? Try Hearsall common with funfairs, circuses and crockware fairs for weeks.”

Over on Facebook Keith Jewkes says “Moving into a house next to a public park and then complaining about the noise a couple of weekends a year is no different to moving in next to an airport and complaining about the aircraft noise, or next to a busy pub and complaining about the noise at kicking out time. You CHOSE to live there, live with it or move!”

Liynne Kefford Grimley says: “I love living near the park, they park outside my house no big deal, it's a few things every year. Going to ALL of them.” Joe Reynolds agrees: “I consider it a privilege to live close to the park and having a couple of weekends of slight inconvenience is a price I'm prepared to pay. The park is for the people of the city and it is nice to see it being used.”

Stephen Martin likes the idea of the festival: “I live within earshot of the park & I can say that 1 or 2 weekends of noise don’t bother me or my neighbours in the slightest. The local businesses make money out of them, adding to the local economy. I honestly think a lot of these people just moan for the sake of it.”

Paul Smith suggests: “If people walked instead of driving to the venue the residents wouldn’t have to walk around cars that taint their streets, they do get to hear free music, but they don’t mind that it’s the people who dump their cars and disappear all day.”

David Brown just loves the music: “You can't live much closer to the park than I do, and I love it. Some of the more bass-heavy acts could shake the fillings out of your teeth whilst you're watching telly sometimes, but it's a weekend or two out of a year. Come on now!”

Do you live near the Memorial Park? How do you feel about festivals being held there? Are you looking forward to dancing the night away? Share your views in our comments section .