Liverpool Three-Bed For Rent At Cut Price – Comes With Free Poltergeist

The property’s Rightmove listing reads: ‘Please note, previous tenants have experienced paranormal activity at this property’

Listing for Liverpool home include haunted warning. 
Listing for Liverpool home include haunted warning. 

This house has gone on the market for a cut-price £91 a week – but tenants will have to put up with the small matter of a terrifying poltergeist that’s reportedly haunting the property.

Previous tenants say the three-bedroomed house, situated in Pickwick Street in the Toxteth area of Liverpool, is plagued by ‘significant paranormal activity’.

‘There have been stories about a very unusual poltergeist on Pickwick Street that date back to the 1880s,’ said paranormal expert Tom Slemen. He said the ghost, dubbed the Pickwick Poltergeist, was first reported more than 130 years ago.

‘It's unusual in the fact that it seems to get around – most ghosts stick to haunting one property, but there a rare few who flit from house to house, and the Pickwick Street poltergeist is one of those.

‘A landlady connected to the letting of Number 69, a Mrs Euphemia Nimlock, was lifted out of her bed by the same violent spirit and, and another neighbour Ismael Jones (Number 70) was under the impression the house was going to collapse because of the vibrations.'

Similar houses in the area are rented for as much as £40 more per week.

Social housing group Plus Dane, who own the property, have confirmed that reports of paranormal activity were first made in 2008.

On the property’s Rightmove listing, a description ominously reads: ‘Please note, previous tenants have experienced paranormal activity at this property’.

Confirming the reports, a Plus Dane spokesman said: ‘Plus Dane received reports of unusual activity at this property in 2008 and worked with the tenant involved to look at ways in which we could help.

‘We don’t get involved directly in instances such as this but we work to help, advise and support tenants if they are experiencing these issues and we take them very seriously.

‘As part of our approach of being open and honest, we wanted to make anyone interested in this property aware of these past reports’.

Anyone fancy moving in?