Local Elections 2024: The full list of candidates in Broxbourne

Broxbourne in Hertfordshire
Broxbourne in Hertfordshire -Credit:Will Durrant/LDRS

A senior politician will leave his post when Broxbourne voters go to the polls on Thursday, May 2. Councillor Lewis Cocking will not contest his Wormley and Turnford seat at the local elections in 2024, ahead of a general election which could take place later this year.

Voters returned the Conservative councillor to the authority in 2016 before he became leader three years later in 2019. Cllr Cocking is also the county's deputy police and crime commissioner, and his party has selected him to replace Sir Charles Walker as its candidate to contest Broxbourne's Westminster seat when voters next choose their MP.

Ten out of Broxbourne's 30 borough council seats are up for election in 2024 - one in each ward. Voting begins at 7am and will close at 10pm on polling day.

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Councillor Lewis Cocking, who has led Borough of Broxbourne Council since 2019, will step down at the next election on Thursday, May 2
Councillor Lewis Cocking, who has led Borough of Broxbourne Council since 2019, will step down at the next election on Thursday, May 2 -Credit:Borough of Broxbourne Council

The Conservatives have a majority in Broxbourne, with 27 out of 30 seats. The Labour Party has three seats and is the only political opposition party represented on the authority.

Voters throughout Hertfordshire including Broxbourne will also elect their next police and crime commissioner on the same day - a position held by Conservative politician David Lloyd, who is also standing down this year.

At his final council meeting on Tuesday, April 9, Cllr Cocking paid tribute to residents and council staff. "It has been the honour of my life to serve in this position of the past five years and it is made even more special for me by the fact that I have lived in Broxbourne for almost all of my life," he said.

Construction work underway at Maxwells Farm near Cheshunt where tech giant Google is building a new datacentre
Construction work underway at Maxwells Farm near Cheshunt where tech giant Google is building a new datacentre -Credit:Will Durrant/LDRS

"We have made Broxbourne the place to be - from negative economic growth in 2019, we are now seeing billions - and I mean billions - of pounds of investment flowing into the borough." Cllr Cocking said plans for Sunset Studios and a Google data centre represent this investment.

He added: "We have investment plans right across the borough, from Waltham Cross to Hoddesdon, from West Cheshunt to the Old Pond, from Goffs Oak to Broxbourne." He said: "We have denied investment when it's not right for Broxbourne. We have not forgotten small and medium-sized enterprises which are the backbone of our economy."

Cllr Sean Waters is one of the borough's three Labour councillors and is contesting the Waltham Cross seat he currently represents in May. "On May 2, local people have an opportunity to send a message to the Conservative government and elect hardworking Labour councillors in Broxbourne," he said.

Councillor Sean Waters will contest the Waltham Cross seat which he currently represents in this year's local elections
Councillor Sean Waters will contest the Waltham Cross seat which he currently represents in this year's local elections -Credit:Will Durrant/LDRS

"Campaigning throughout Broxbourne, I have met hundreds of residents fed up with both the failing Conservative government and our Tory-led council. Vote Labour for local councillors who will prioritise affordable housing for local people, work with police and local businesses to keep our streets safe, and demand cleaner communities by working to swiftly remove fly-tipping."

Cllr Waters added voters "will be glad to see the back of" the existing administration, which he claimed had presided over a failure to bring forward more than 1,700 homes at Cheshunt Lakeside. The private company which took on the former Tesco headquarters site collapsed into administration in 2023 and its accounts revealed a £1.008million debt to Broxbourne Borough Council.

Cheshunt Lakeside at the former Tesco headquarters, which has stalled after the developer collapsed into administration
Cheshunt Lakeside at the former Tesco headquarters, which has stalled after the developer collapsed into administration -Credit:Will Durrant/LDRS

Six parties have fielded candidates in the Broxbourne local elections, plus independent candidate Cody McCormick in Cheshunt South and Theobalds ward. In addition to the parties already represented on the authority, Green Party, Liberal Democrat, Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition and UK Independence Party (UKIP) candidates will also feature on ballot papers in the borough.

A general election - to choose Broxbourne's next member of parliament - must take place before the end of January 2025. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said earlier in 2024: "My working assumption is that we will have a general election in the second half of this year."

But Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer accused Mr Sunak of "squatting" in Downing Street. Also among the parties in the House of Commons, Liberal Democrat leader Sir Ed Davey visited Harpenden in Hertfordshire last month to launch his party's local election campaign, where he flipped a giant hourglass bearing the words "time's running out Rishi". Green MP Caroline Lucas accused Rishi Sunak of being "desperate" and "clinging on to power" in a Metro column.

Here are the candidates standing in the Broxbourne Borough Council elections 2024:

Broxbourne and Hoddesdon South

One seat (out of three) for election.

Sally Kemp - Green

Matthew Neale - UKIP

Diane Sanders - Conservative

Kiran Thomas - Liberal Democrat

Roy Wareham - Labour

Cheshunt North

One seat (out of three) for election.

Josh Asker - Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition

Madela Baddock - Green

Julie Gunnell - Conservative

Kostas Inchenko - Liberal Democrat

Lisa Newby - Labour

Cheshunt South and Theobalds

One seat (out of three) for election.

Ellie Austen - Green

Carol Crump - Conservative

Bea Gardner - Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition

Cody McCormick - Independent

Zahra Spencer - Labour

Flamstead End

One seat (out of three) for election.

Karen Brett - Green

Ian Dust - Labour

Dee Hart - Conservative

Kypros Savopoulos - Liberal Democrat

Aaron Smith - Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition

Goffs Oak

One seat (out of three) for election.

Pierce Connolly - Conservative

Trevor Griffiths - Green

David Payne - Liberal Democrat

Aeden Rooney - Labour

Hoddesdon North

One seat (out of three) for election.

Keith Brown - Conservative

Peter Kemp - Liberal Democrat

James McQuillan - Green

Albert Nicolas - UKIP

Janet Wareham - Labour

Hoddesdon Town and Rye Park

One seat (out of three) for election.

Ken Ayling - Conservative

Roy Clements - Green

Andreas Georgiou - Labour

Pauline Sulman - Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition

Tim Vizer - Liberal Democrat

Rosedale and Bury Green

One seat (out of three) for election.

Peter Chorley - Conservative

Kirstie De Rivaz - Liberal Democrat

Ed Dragusin - Labour

Rishi Mehta - Green

Waltham Cross

One seat (out of three) for election.

Fabio Bonfante - Liberal Democrat

Bob Gledhill - Green

Yinka Sonubi - Conservative

Christine Thomas - Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition

Sean Waters - Labour

Wormley and Turnford

One seat (out of three) for election.

Owen Brett - Green

Jim Clune - Conservative

Robert Landon - Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition

Seema Rajani - Liberal Democrat

James Spencer - Labour