Local elections 2024: List of candidates competing for a seat on Cheltenham Borough Council

Cheltenham voters head to the polls next week to elect their representatives on the Borough Council. All of the authority’s seats are up for grabs this time around as the Liberal Democrats look to retain control of the levers of power at the Municipal Offices.

Cheltenham Borough is split up into 20 different wards. Each ward having two elected representatives.

There are 40 councillors in total serving the spa town. And the current political makeup of the council is 31 Liberal Democrats, five Conservatives, two People Against Bureaucracy councillors and two Green Party members. The Lib Dem group has an overall majority of 21.

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Each of the main parties have set out below the reasons they believe people should vote for them on May 2.


Conservative Party

On Thursday, May 2, Cheltenham will elect its council for the next few years. This is an opportunity to make a fundamental change in the way that Cheltenham is run.

The Liberal Democrats have had a huge grip on the council for many years and have failed all of us on many fronts. Their publicity rarely refers to their record and often shows bar graphs aimed at confusing voters by giving the impression that these elections are a judgement on national politics, and they are the opposition.

It couldn’t be further from the truth. They need to be held to account for their poor administration. The Conservative Group offers a fresh alternative and a strong voice for common sense. We believe in Cheltenham but feel that it could be much better run: cleaner, safer and with a focus on maintaining and raising standards of public services. It’s time for change in Cheltenham

Green Party

Your first Green councillor, Tabi, was elected in May 2022, with Wendy joining the Greens soon after. Now 40 Green candidates are standing all over Cheltenham.


In the last two years, Tabi Joy (St Pauls) and Wendy Flynn (Hesters Way) have challenged the status quo at Cheltenham Borough Council, but there is more to do. Voting for the Green Party offers a path towards a sustainable and equitable future for our community.

The Green Party's core values of environmental and social justice resonate deeply in a town like Cheltenham, and people feel it is time for change. The Green Party aims to steer Cheltenham away from costly vanity projects, such as the £4M over budget Minster Exchange, and towards a more transparent, inclusive decision-making process.

We will fight cuts to services like the recycling centre. Vote Green, and together we can build a community where your voices are heard, and your hard-earned council tax contributions are managed with utmost care and accountability.

Labour Party

It’s time for a Labour voice on the council. For too long the Lib Dems have had an overwhelming dominance which is not good for local democracy.


The main actions we want from them are open and transparent finances – no more decisions behind closed doors. Genuinely affordable housing and more spent on the deprived areas of town and less on expensive prestige projects

We want them to listen more to residents and less to unelected lobbying organisations. And to keep all public recreational facilities in council ownership.

We also want a fully functioning tourist information centre, more public toilets and the option of parish council for the whole borough and a sustainable agreement with Gloucestershire County Council for waste recycling

We also call for a radical overhaul of the fees and charging regime, using planning powers to require developers to provide additional allotments as a condition of approval and support for proportional representation in general elections to be extended to local elections.

Liberal Democrats

The Liberal Democrats say under their leadership Cheltenham has a well-run and award-winning council
A Conservative Party rosette

We have a beautiful, prosperous and safe town. We want to keep it that way by delivering a fair deal for Cheltenham.


Under the leadership of the Liberal Democrats, Cheltenham has a well-run and award-winning council. We have worked hard to insulate our town from the impact of cuts and chaos from Westminster, challenging the suggestion we must settle for less.

We are taking measures to address climate change. We have preserved the verdant glory of our parks and open spaces.

We are doing the right thing by those who need the safety net of a council house. But this town cannot stand still.

The council-led Golden Valley development will bring thousands of much-needed jobs and new affordable homes in a development built to the highest environmental standards.

This election will again be between the Liberal Democrats and the Conservatives. Only one party will deliver the fair deal this town needs.

People Against Bureaucracy

PAB is committed to protecting the green belt which is vital to the setting of Prestbury.
The Green Party hopes to make gains in Cheltenham

People Against Bureaucracy is all about Local. We are your direct independent link into Cheltenham Borough Council and local services. PAB Councillors are committed to protecting the green belt which is vital to the setting of Prestbury.

PAB has been heavily involved in recognising the underlying problems, pressing hard for many years for a solution to protect residents' homes and businesses. Every day issues such as road maintenance, tackling antisocial behaviour, pollution and cutting grass verges are important matters to PAB.

Both current PAB councillors have made strenuous efforts in the recent fight to save Idsall Drive Car Park, a vital village asset, from being sold by the council. We were behind the drive to boost the signatories to a petition exhorting the council to think again.

Ultimately over 1000 people signed but the request was ignored by the Liberal Democrat controlled council and the sale has gone ahead to the detriment of residents, businesses and visitors.

Cheltenham Borough Council election candidates by ward

All Saints

Clark, Barbara Ann - Liberal Democrats

Gill-lang, Amandeep Kaur - Green Party

Hale, Diana Helen - Labour Party

Tailford, Izaac Augustus - Liberal Democrats

Tracey, Martin - Conservatives Party

West, Stephen - Green Party

Wilce, Philip Royden - Conservative Party


Auker-Howlett, Connor Lewis - Green Party

Babbage, Matt - Conservative Party

Bunner, Dan - Conservative Party

Day, Chris - Liberal Democrats

Gavin, Caroline Adele - Labour Party

Pemberton, Helen Clare - Liberal Democrats

Wilson, Karen - Green Party

Benhall, The Reddings and Fiddler’s Green

Collins, Dan - Conservative Party

Collins, Michael John David - Liberal Democrats

Davis, Alan James - Conservative Party

Field, Sarah Jane - Green Party

Jarvis, John Leslie - Green Party

Lugg, Jan - Labour Party

Steinhardt, Stephen Ian - Liberal Democrats

Charlton Kings

Boyes, Angie - Liberal Democrats

Hewlett, Roy - Conservative Party

Mutton, Andy - Liberal Democrats

Ress, Ella Harriet - Labour Party

Saywell, Nick - Conservative Party

Willey, Daniel Joseph - Green Party

Woodland, Morgan - Green Party

Charlton Park

Baker, Paul Richard - Liberal Democrats

Bass, Georgina Rose - Conservative Party

Bride, Malcolm - Labour Party

Costelloe, Melina Pereira - Green Party

Harvey, Steve - Liberal Democrats

Kadwell, John - Independent

Shill, Helen Frances

Wallington, Sharon Lorna


Barnes, Garth Wallington - Liberal Democrats

Dobie, Iain Andrew Paterson - Liberal Democrats

Evans, Bettina - Conservative Party

Irvine, Lewis Vincent - Green Party

Moliver, Adam - Labour Party

Prothero, Teresa Anne - Conservative Party

Vitkovitch, Stephen Benjamin - Green Party

Hesters Way

Baillie, Ro - Conservative Party

Clarke, Gary Richard Michael - Green Party

Coxson, Samuel Jacob - Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition

Flynn, Wendy Louise - Green Party

Harriss, Clive Robert - Labour Party

Landau, Helen - Conservative Party

Lynch, Cathal - Liberal Democrats

Waters, Joe - Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition

Wheeler, Simon Albert - Liberal Democrats


Andrews, Glenn - Liberal Democrats

Bell, Stephen Paul - Green Party

Cockfield, David Richard - Labour Party

Godwin, Susan - Conservative Party

Milner, Deborah Claire - Green Party

Olajide, Olalekan Ebenezer - Conservative Party

Orme, Ben Lewis - Liberal Democrats

Parsons, Geoff - Independent


Chandler, Julia Caroline - Liberal Democrats

Frings, Peter Robert - Green Party

Goring, Bronwen Rachel - Labour Party

Horwood, Martin Charles - Liberal Democrats

Johnson, Elizabeth - Green Party

Mason, Pippa - Conservative Party

Prothero, William Bernard Francis - Conservative Party

Wijesinghe, Sali - Independent


Hay, Rowena Mary - Liberal Democrats

Laing, Isobel Amy - Labour Party

Lewis, Alisha Chloe-Marie - Liberal Democrats

Nelson, Margaret Emma Frances - Conservative Party

Spanner, Claire Angela Blanche - Green Party

Wall, Andrew Stephen - Conservative Party

Weller, Nathan Luke - Green Party


Barrell, Daily Mary Juliet - Liberal Democrats

Boyle, Kevin Michael - Labour Party

Chelin, Jackie - Liberal Democrats

Godfrey, Paul Michael - Green Party

Harman, Tim - Conservative Party

Muerson, Tussie - Green Party

Pollock, Diana - Conservative Party


Christensen, Peter Frantz Vagh - Conservative Party

Garcia Clamp, Juan Carlos - Liberal Democrats

Glozier, Martin William - Labour Party

Kennedy, Laura - Conservative Party

Quekett, Sarah Louise - Green Party

Tooke, Julian Charles George - Liberal Democrats

Wilson, Daniel - Green Party


Carmeron, Ian Alexander - Green Party

Fifield, Stephan Alexander - Conservative Party

Foster, Jan - Green Party

Hopkins, Harry - Conservative Party

March, Joe - Liberal Democrats

Martin, Jane Elizabeth - Liberal Democrats

Smith, Stan, People Against Bureaucracy


Bass, James Alan Robert - Conservative Party

Bear, Stephen John - Green Party

Fox, Roger Graham - Conservative Party

Jeffries, Peter Jeremy - Liberal Democrats

Munday, Ian James - Green Party

Williams, Suzanne Theresa - Liberal Democrats

St Mark’s

Becker, Adrian - Green Party

Collins, Louise - Conservative Party

Farmer, Julie Frances - Labour Party

Holliday, Sandra Jane - Liberal Democrats

Hyams, Penny - Conservative Party

Pineger, Richard James - Liberal Democrats

Seadon, Naomi Ruth - Green Party

St Paul’s

Davies, Ashleigh Olivia - Green Party

Davis, Adrienne - Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition

Dwyer, Christian David - Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition

Johnstone, Bobby - Labour Party

Joy, Tabi - Green Party

Mason, Chris - Conservative Party

McDonald, Daud - Independent

Nancekivell, Rob - Liberal Democrats

Potter-Peachey, Jayjay - Liberal Democrats

Prothero, Lily Hannah May - Conservative Party

St Peter’s

Atherstone, Victoria May - Liberal Democrats

Ellis, Glyn - Green Party

Farmer, Mike - Labour Party

Forrest, Jerry - Conservative Party

Hazzan, Edward Wadih - Conservative Party

Hodges, Daniel Ethan - Green Party

Willingham, David John - Liberal Democrats

Swindon Village

Allen, Frank John - Liberal Democrats

Barber, Mark - Green Party

Chaplin, Brian Anthony - Conservative Party

Clucas, Flo - Liberal Democrats

Picknell, Joseph James - Conservative Party

Saul, Edward Nuan Bycroft - Green Party

Up Hatherley

Bamford, Adrian Stephen - Liberal Democrats

Cole, Philip - Labour Party

Goodwin, Charles Adrian - Green Party

Hodges, Samantha Diane - Green Party

Parsons, Colin John - Conservative Party

Parsons, Sandra Gloria - Conservative Party

Sankey, Julie Margaret - Liberal Democrats

Warden Hill

Beale, Graham Anthony - Liberal Democrats

Bonsor, Timothy Cosmo - Green Party

Dunleavy, Patrick John William - Conservative Party

Godfrey, Maxine Karen - Green Party

Hewlett, Gill - Conservative Party

Meehan, Christopher John - Labour Party

Oliver, Tony - Liberal Democrats