Local elections voter registration deadline looms ahead of polling day

159 seats are due for election on Hertfordshire's borough and district councils - including seats in Watford
159 seats are due for election on Hertfordshire's borough and district councils - including seats in Watford -Credit:Will Durrant/LDRS

Hertfordshire goes to the polls on Thursday, May 2 - but only eligible, registered voters can take part in the elections. Voters must also show an accepted form of photo ID if they want to have their say at the ballot box.

Polling stations will open throughout the county for the Hertfordshire Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) election. Some voters will also get to choose who represents them on district and borough councils, with 159 seats due for election across Broxbourne, North Herts, St Albans, Stevenage, Three Rivers, Watford and Welwyn Hatfield, plus any by-elections.

Voters who are already registered do not need to re-register, unless they have had a change of circumstances - such as a new house or a name change. Residents yet to register have until 11.59pm on Tuesday, April 16 if they want to take part.

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You must bring an accepted photo ID with you when you vote (File picture)
You must bring an accepted photo ID with you when you vote (File picture) -Credit:Andrew Matthews/PA Wire

How do I register to vote?

Fill in the online form at gov.uk/register-to-vote.

You will be asked for your National Insurance number, but you can still register if you do not have one. The deadline to register to vote for the elections on Thursday, May 2 is 11.59pm on Tuesday, April 16.

How do I apply for a postal vote?

Registered residents can apply to vote by post.

You will need the address where you are registered to vote, your National Insurance number or another identity document, such as a passport, and a photo of your handwritten signature in black ink on plain white paper.

Fill in the online form at gov.uk/apply-postal-vote. The deadline to apply for a postal vote is 5pm on Wednesday, April 17.

Can someone vote on my behalf?

Yes, if you cannot make it to the ballot box on the day. Fill in the online form at gov.uk/apply-proxy-vote.

You will need your National Insurance number or another identity document, the address where your proxy is registered to vote, your proxy’s contact details and a photo of your handwritten signature in black ink on plain white paper. The deadline to apply for a proxy vote is 5pm on Wednesday, April 24.

Who is eligible to vote in Hertfordshire?

You can only vote if you are aged 18 or over on polling day. You must be registered at an address in the area you want to vote in.

For the elections taking place on Thursday, May 2, you must be either:

  • a British citizen,

  • an Irish citizen,

  • a citizen of another European Union (EU) country, or

  • a “qualifying commonwealth” citizen - which includes people from the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man, British overseas territories, Australia, Bangladesh, Canada, Jamaica, Malaysia, New Zealand, Pakistan, Singapore, and others.

Eligible university students can vote in either or both their “home” and “university” areas for the polls on May 2, as long as their addresses are in different council areas for the local elections and different policing areas for the PCC election - so as not to vote in the same poll twice.

Do I need to show ID?

Yes, you will need to show a form of accepted photo ID when you go to vote. You do not need to bring your poll card with you.

Accepted photo ID includes your passport, a driving licence from the British Isles or EU, blue badge, older person’s or disabled person’s bus pass, a London Freedom Pass or Oyster 60+ card, a Defence Identity Card (Ministry of Defence Form 90), or another photo ID bearing the PASS (National Proof of Age Standards Scheme) hologram. The 18+ Student Oyster photocard is not an accepted photo ID.

If you don’t have an accepted form of photo, you can apply for a Voter Authority Certificate. Fill in the online form at gov.uk/apply-for-photo-id-voter-authority-certificate.

You will need a recent, digital photo of yourself. You will be asked for your National Insurance number, but you can still apply if you have other documents to prove your identity instead. If you need a Voter Authority Certificate to vote on May 2, you must apply by 5pm on Wednesday, April 24.