Loch Ness Monster is spotted for the ninth time this year as sightings soar to record level


Someone has just sighted the humps of the gigantic, prehistoric beast trapped for centuries in the icy waters of Loch Ness – on a webcam pointed at the loch.

Or, of course, it might be a log.

It’s the ninth Nessie sighting this year, as monster-hunters pore over footage from a webcam which scans the water near Urquhart Castle.

Gary Campbell of the Official Loch Ness Monster Sightings Register said, ‘The sighting lasted about two minutes and other than a boat in the distance, she saw no other traffic on the loch.

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‘‘She saw a wake and it does not appear to be that of a boat. We have accepted it and it means the number of sightings is the most we have had this century.’

But is the monster really a relic of the age of the dinosaurs? Others suggest that many of the sightings may be catfish, or even swans.

A look at the Loch Ness Monster, Bigfoot and other enduring mysteries of the world.
A look at the Loch Ness Monster, Bigfoot and other enduring mysteries of the world.

A recent book, Hunting Monsters by Darren Naish suggests that one of the iconic photos of the monster is, in fact, a swan.

Hugh Gray’s picture, taken in 1933, was the earliest photograph of the monster – seemingly showing an eel-like head and flippers bashing the water.

But the reality is a little more prosaic, Naish suggests.

Naish says, ‘Without giving too much away, I want to say that the famous Hugh Gray Loch Ness monster photo of 1933 is not a swimming dog, or a salamander-like beast, or giant anachronistic Tullimonstrum… but a swan.


‘Yes, a swan. And the infamous Peter O’Connor photo of 1960 – the one that depicts what looks like an inflated plastic bag with a stick for a head – has proved to be the inverted hull of a kayak called a Tyne Prefect.

‘You can even see the base of the rudder support!