Locharbriggs Primary School polytunnels targeted by vandals

Vandals have targeted two polytunnels at Locharbriggs Primary School.

The growing facilities are now punched with holes following the incident at the weekend, which comes just as pupils and staff are beginning the school summer holidays.

Following enquiries carried out by Dumfries community officers it was announced on Wednesday that three “young people” have been charged in relation to the damage caused to the polytunnels in school grounds at Wallamhill Road and a report will be sent to the youth justice coordinator.

A police spokesperson said: “Community officers will be patrolling schools during the summer holidays to deter this type of behaviour.”

They are calling on the public to keep an eye out over the holiday weeks and to report anyone seen in school grounds.

Only last year parents took on board a major project to reclaim the hugely overgrown nature garden at Locharbriggs Primary School, with volunteers from SGN in the town, and others, transforming it into a beautiful haven which has been very popular.

They also helped to put up a new fence around the new polytunnels and a raised bed area.

The vandalism has caused a backlash on social media.

Kirsty Stewart posted: “Absolutely awful after all the work we as a parent council have put in to get the school looking nice and usable for the kids. Just makes me so sad that anyone would want to do this.”

Hazel Pritchard also commented: “So sad. Why do people do this? Ruining everyone’s hard work and effort.”

Arthur Chalmers warned: “There has been a massive change in anti-social behaviour in Locharbriggs and Heathhall in the last 18 months or so.”