London Bridge attack 'skateboard hero' Ignacio Echeverria was stabbed in back

London Bridge attack victim Ignacio Echeverria died after being stabbed in the back, a post-mortem examination has found.

The 39-year-old Spanish banker used his skateboard to try to defend a woman from one of the three terrorists in Borough Market, before he fell to the ground and was attacked.

He was listed as missing for three days before being confirmed as one of the eight victims.

Mr Echeverria, who worked for HSBC, was hailed as a "skateboard hero" for his actions and has posthumously been awarded Spain's highest honour for civilians, the Grand Cross of the Order of Civil Merit.

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On Saturday, his body was due to be repatriated and received at Torrejon de Ardoz military airbase, near Madrid, by Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy.

Mr Rajoy described the 39-year-old victim as a "good man".

He said: "(Mr Echeverria) was an exemplary citizen who on this tragic evening had the courage to face the terrorists to try and save the life of a young woman who was being attacked."

On Thursday, thousands of people attended a vigil held in Mr Echeverria's hometown, Las Rozas.

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In a post on Facebook, his sister Isabel said: "My brother Ignacio tried to stop the terrorists and lost his own life trying to save others.

"(Ignacio) we love you and we will never forget you."

Another sister, Ana, posted: "Ignacio didn't survive the moment of the attack.

"Thank you to all those who love and cared about him. We know we are not the only ones saddened."

Meanwhile, another relative said Mr Echeverria "is in heaven with his inseparable skateboard".