The London nursery rated 'outstanding' by Ofsted where kids have ballet lessons and plant veg

Kids drawing on paper
Children drawing at the nursery in Pimlico, which was praised for its engaging activities -Credit:Jamie King

A London nursery kids call their 'second home' and where pupils have 'excellent' maths skills has been rated outstanding by Ofsted. Young England Kindergarten in Pimlico was praised by inspectors for its 'extremely well thought out' curriculum and focus on absorbing and stimulating activities in what they described as a close-knit nursery.

During an inspection in March, they found children exploring the smell and texture of tomatoes and cucumbers, chopping them to find seeds and planting them in the nursery garden. The report read: "Staff teach them about how things grow and relate this well to healthy eating and how fruit and vegetables support good digestion."

Inspectors found kids had a 'great love for books' reinforced with weekly visits from a storyteller dressed up as a character and having pupils act out stories during play time and teaching them words like 'digestion' and 'excited'. The report added: "Children have excellent mathematical skills, for instance, they count securely beyond 10 and perform simple addition.

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Young England Kindergarten in Pimlico
Young England Kindergarten in Pimlico was rated outstanding by Ofsted during a visit in March 2024 -Credit:Google

"Staff teach children about shapes and children confidently name a range of shapes, including three-dimensional shapes, such as a cuboid." The nursery, which has 44 children enrolled, according to Ofsted, also invites parents in to teach children about international cultural events like Japanese and Jewish special festivals, while staff provide pupils with the chance to taste food from around the world and hear traditional tales.

Inspectors found kids serving meals to each other and putting their cups and plates away after eating, and said they consumed a sugar and salt-free diet. Kids are also taught about nutrition by the nursery chef who introduced them to raw ingredients.

Staff were praised for carrying out home visits and sending parents updates via electronic messaging, as well as holding parents' evenings. Staff provide parents with workshops in different areas like behaviour management.

Ofsted found kids had 'excellent' physical skills and regularly used beams to balance on. They are visited weekly by specialist ballet teachers and football coaches. Lucinda Byron Evans, head teacher at Young England Kindergarten said: "We are delighted to receive an 'outstanding' rating from OFSTED which follows their recent inspection of our setting in March.

Kids beside sign of school
Inspectors visited the site in March -Credit:Jamie King

"It was particularly gratifying that the inspector recognised our commitment to creating a broad and exciting curriculum, whilst ensuring that we provide a safe, nurturing and stimulating environment for all the children. The team has worked hard to develop our teaching around the importance of wellbeing and nutrition.

"We were very pleased to see this mentioned in the OFSTED report." Young England Kindergarten was registered in 1962 and has 10 staff, including the manager, who hold appropriate early years qualification.

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