Are you a London Underground expert? Answer these 12 questions and prove you're a real Londoner

Commuters travel on a busy Northern line train of the London Underground with a passenger walking down a platform to try and find a door with space to get on
Call yourself an London Underground expert? -Credit:Oli Scarff/Getty Images

How well do you know the London Underground? Nearly all of us have used it at one point and many of us as part of our daily commute.

The city's Tube network has seen refurbishments, technological updates and rule changes in the last few years. Without doubt it has saved many Londoners from traffic jams, but most famously saved many lives during the war when it became a public shelter from the German bombs.

The idea for the London Underground was first put forward as part of a city improvement plan in 1843. Then, after a decade of discussions, Parliament gave the green light for the construction of a 3.75-mile underground railway between Farringdon Street and Bishop's Road, Paddington.

READ MORE: Name the missing Central Line station and prove you're a London Underground expert

Since then it's got so much bigger and swifter, with the likes of Oyster cards and electronic information boards becoming the norm. The announcements warning passengers to "mind the gap" between the train and the platform has also become the rallying call for many of us.

So our rallying call for you now, is to take our London Underground test and see how much you have learnt about the arteries of our city. Take on the quiz below and tell us in the comments section below how you scored.

If you enjoyed our Tube quiz, make sure you check out some of our other London challenges - here are a few you can try next:

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