Long Security Line Snakes Through Parking Lot at Seattle Airport

Passengers checking in to Seattle-Tacoma International Airport in Seattle, Washington, on Sunday, September 18, faced hour-long security lines that extended into a parking lot, according to social media posts.

Perry Cooper, the airport’s media relations manager, told Storyful the situation was “very unusual” and that September 18 “was a high-volume day of passengers – one of our largest since the pandemic.”

Cooper said the airport is connecting with its stakeholders on September 19 to debrief the causes and concerns from September 18.

Footage captured by Carolyn A Drake shows the security line snaking through the parking lot. Credit: Carolyn A. Drake via Storyful

Video transcript


- Oh, my god.


Oh, my god.


Oh, my god.


Oh, my god.


- Oh, my god.