New look Liverpool sign unveilved ahead of Merseyside derby

The Liverpool sign spotlighting the city's football heritage, unveiled by former Liverpool FC defender Mark Lawrenson and former Everton midfielder  Graham Stuart
The Liverpool sign spotlighting the city's football heritage, unveiled by former Liverpool FC defender Mark Lawrenson and former Everton midfielder Graham Stuart -Credit:Iain Watts

A new look has been unveiled for the giant Liverpool sign in the heart of the city today.

The new artwork that decorates the Liverpool sign, which is located at Liverpool ONE on Thomas Steers Way near the Hilton Hotel, was designed by Liverpool-based artist Claire Pinegar, to highlight Liverpool’s famous football heritage.

The design is inspired by the patterns of vintage football kits from Liverpool FC and Everton FC as a "celebration of the city’s passion for football".

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Each letter of the 14.5-metre sign is wrapped in a segment from iconic football kits from the past, with bold lines, bright colours, and motifs instantly recognisable to football fans.

Originally unveiled in 2022, the Liverpool sign has quickly become a ‘go-to’ selfie spot for both locals and tourists, with previous artwork designs including a Eurovision Song Contest takeover last year and a Liverpool attraction inspired artwork by Liverpool artist Neil Keating the year before.

Liverpool-based artist Claire Pinegar
Liverpool-based artist Claire Pinegar -Credit:Iain Watts

Claire, who is based in Liverpool as a 2D animator, illustrator and live-action director, said: “I moved to Liverpool three years ago and I wasn’t quite prepared for the magnitude that football holds here and what it means to the city. It really is religion! I felt it would be fun for locals and tourists alike, to clock nods to their two teams when passing the Liverpool Sign.

“I particularly love the iconic designs of the 90s shirts, with the wild patterns and often clashing colours. They’re instantly recognisable and take many of us down memory lane, so I had a lot of fun recreating these across the sign. They’re bold, playful and anything but subtle; which is exactly what I love about my new home.

“I love the concept of bringing art to street level and the masses. Iconic football shirts have as much place in culture as old masters in a gallery.”

As part of the unveiling, football legends Mark Lawrenson and Graham Stuart took a trip down memory lane and donned their original kits which are featured on the sign.

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