Cameron risks ceding British sovereignty with Gibraltar deal, warn Tories

Rock of Gibraltar in southern part of Iberian Peninsula.
Tory MPs say proposals to give EU border guards access to the Rock's airport are 'unacceptable' - iStockphoto

David Cameron risks ceding British sovereignty over “one of the most important military strategic assets in the world” with his Gibraltar deal, Conservative MPs have warned.

Tories said proposals to give EU border guards access to the Rock’s airport are “unacceptable” and that the Foreign Secretary risked a “backlash” from his own MPs if there is “any kind of sellout”.

Gibraltar is a British Overseas Territory situated on the southern tip of the Iberian peninsula, where it shares a border with Spain.

For months, discussions have been taking place between the EU and Britain over the management of Gibraltar’s border now that Brexit has been finalised.

To keep the border open, proposals have been made for EU officials to carry out immigration controls at the airport. Checking arrivals there would allow the Rock to join the passport-free Schengen Zone, eliminating the need for identity controls at its border with Spain.

That is expected to include people travelling to the territory from the UK who, from later this year, would have to provide their fingerprints to enter.

However, such plans are controversial because the airport is a joint civil-military facility that doubles as the RAF station on Gibraltar. The issue is also highly sensitive because Spain has consistently claimed sovereignty over the territory.

Last week, the UK and the EU published a joint statement saying that an agreement was “getting closer”, and on Monday Lord Cameron is due to be grilled on negotiations by MPs on the European scrutiny committee.

The Foreign Secretary has been warned that, if a deal is agreed in its current form, he risks a major backlash from Tory MPs.

A senior Conservative, who asked not to be named, said: “I’m concerned about it. The principal issue is one of sovereignty and control. Half of the world’s shipping passes through the Straits of Gibraltar. It’s therefore essential that we should have proper control of what happens there.

“The proposals that we’ve got which include having Schengen border guards at the airport are really unacceptable. If you haven’t got sole control over the access to your own territory, which is what would be the case if they had Schengen border officials in the airport, then your sovereignty has clearly been compromised.

“We need to ensure that British sovereignty is maintained and the security of the Rock is maintained… If we compromise on that it’s going to be absolutely disastrous, simply because it is literally one of the most important military strategic assets in the world. It’s hard to think of anything that’s more strategically important.”

The MP said that the Conservative benches were “particularly concerned about it”, adding: “If they feel that anything is being done that’s going to compromise the sovereignty of Gibraltar there will be a very adverse backlash.”

Lord Cameron has been warned that he faces 'a very adverse backlash'
Lord Cameron has been warned that he faces 'a very adverse backlash' - Lucy North/PA

Last week, Fabian Picardo, Gibraltar’s chief minister, told The Telegraph that it was “wrong” to suggest that the deal would “in any way affect British sovereignty” and criticised Tory MPs for wanting to “set themselves up as a greater guardian of Gibraltar’s sovereignty than the people of Gibraltar”.

However, the senior Conservative hit back, saying: “Picardo speaks about Gibraltarian sovereignty. He’s a King’s Counsel for heaven’s sake, and he knows the sovereignty rests with the UK.

“The issues that we’re concerned about here – defence, foreign relations and security – are all issues that are reserved to the UK Government and are not bestowed upon Gibraltar. He knows all this.”

Another Tory MP said of the negotiations: “The worry obviously is any kind of sellout… anything that gives an inch or the idea that we’re not fully in control of who goes in and out.”

Asked about Lord Cameron’s appearance in front of MPs on Monday, the MP said: “It’s not really good publicity for him or the Foreign Office if they came out and said anything other than that the territorial integrity remains intact.”

Meanwhile, a Government source accused the European scrutiny committee of rebuffing a request by Mr Picardo to give evidence alongside Lord Cameron on Monday.

The source said: “It’s important that the voice of Gibraltar is heard in this debate. It’s unfortunate that the committee won’t allow the Gibraltar chief minister to appear and answer questions when is so keen to.”

A spokesman for the European scrutiny committee said it had heard from Mr Picardo twice already and had a standing invite for him to give evidence again at a later date.

A Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office spokesman said: “As the chief minister of Gibraltar has said, it is wrong to suggest that this deal in any way affects British sovereignty, jurisdiction or control over Gibraltar.

“The UK will only reach an agreement with the EU: which the government of Gibraltar is content with; safeguards Gibraltar’s sovereignty; and fully protects the operations and independence of the UK’s military facilities in Gibraltar.”