Los Angeles Mayor Welcomes Man Turned Away by Immigration Ban

Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti personally welcomed Ali Vayeghan upon his arrival into the US on February 2. Vayeghan was detained overnight upon arrival at LAX seven days ago and deported back to Iran under President Donald Trump’s executive order.

In his Facebook post, Garcetti said Vayeghan is the “first person subjected to the President’s travel ban who was able to return to America as the result of a recent court order.”

In this video, Vayeghan is recieved by Garcetti and two family members identified as his brother and niece.

Garcetti issued a statement rebuking Trump’s executive order on January 27, the day the order was signed, saying: "Our country is not made safer by turning away from values and traditions that speak to the best of who we are as a nation, and what we believe as a people.” Credit: Mayor Eric Garcetti via Storyful