'Love Is Blind': Raven on SK Cheating Rumors, Is Alexa Pregnant?

One year after the third season of “Love Is Blind” wrapped, Netflix’s cameras began rolling again to capture where the couples — or singles — all stand now.

After viewers watched the five couples step up to the altar where some said “I do,” and some broke up on their TV wedding day, the reality stars got back together for three new episodes to give an update on their lives over the past year.

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“Love Is Blind: After the Altar” focused around a birthday party for Alexa Lemieux, who is still married and going strong with fellow contestant, Brennon Lemieux. The party served as a reunion of sorts (after the actual television reunion) for the entire Season 3 group, including Zanab Jaffrey and Cole Barnett who had not seen or spoke to one another since they dramatically broke up at the altar, which became one of the buzziest headlines to come from the season when she said he tried to control what she ate.

Jaffrey and Barnett’s storyline wasn’t the only drama to come from “Love Is Blind” Season 3. Those who follow along with the cast in real time on social media may have heard cheating rumors regarding Raven Ross and SK Alagbada, and those rumors are addressed head-on in “After the Altar.”

Scroll down below for an update on the five couples: Who broke up? Who made up? Who’s still together? And who might be pregnant?

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Zanab and Cole: Broken Up

Zanab and Cole: Broken Up
Zanab and Cole: Broken Up

After Zanab ripped Cole to shreds at the altar last season — and said he controlled what she ate and criticized her appearance — the formerly engaged couple reunited for the first time on “After the Altar.” They hadn’t seen each other and spoken to one another at all over the past year, since they broke up.

Zanab tried to avoid Cole at Alexa’s birthday party, but they finally sat down to clear the air, albeit in an overwhelmingly tense conversation.

“It’s hard to win when you’re with someone who twists everything you say, and you can’t be yourself, even whenever you’re not trying to hurt them,” Cole says. He tells Zanab that he was surprised by what occurred on their wedding day (“I didn’t see it coming”), and he thought they would continue to date after the show.

“You really thought that?” Zanab replied. “Forget that you didn’t like the way that I looked,” she said. “You didn’t like me enough to continue dating.”

Cole apologized for the way he treated her about her appearance, saying, “I didn’t know that I made you feel that way with the eating and all of that.” Zanab says that he isn’t a bad person, but he treated her badly. “I did love you,” she says, emphasizing the past tense. “Did love you,” she reiterates. “Back then.

“It’s good to see you,” Cole said. “I’m not good at carrying beef with someone. I don’t have beef with you.” With a little laugh, Zabab replied, “Okay.”

Though it seems like he might have learned his lesson and grown up, saying that he’s ready to settle down and be husband and a father, Cole continues being Cole, saying in a confessional that he’s ready to meet someone who is smart — and “looks good in a bikini.”

Nancy and Bartise: Broken Up — But on Good Terms

Nancy and Bartise: Broken Up — But on Good Terms
Nancy and Bartise: Broken Up — But on Good Terms

After he broke up with her at the altar, Bartise and Nancy reveal that they’ve remained in touch and on good terms over the past year.

“Your energy, your level of positivity, I like to be around you. You are a good person and good people are hard to find,” Nancy tells Bartise. “It makes sense for me to have you in my life, and I don’t think anyone will understand that.”

Viewers recall that Nancy’s family was fiercely outspoken against Bartise for breaking Nancy’s heart on their wedding day — and they were not messing around. On the new episodes, Nancy said she hadn’t told her family that they’ve still been in touch. On “After the Altar,” she tells her mom and brother that she has seen Bartise, and they’re not supportive of her decision.

Never the less, while the former couple has sustained a cordial relationship, they are not together. In fact, Bartise is on Netflix’s new dating show, “Perfect Match.”

Colleen and Matt: Still Married

Colleen and Matt: Still Married
Colleen and Matt: Still Married

Colleen and Matt have worked through their issues and are going strong in their marriage — though, they don’t live together yet.

During a lunch scene with Matt’s parents, they discuss their relationship. “We had a great first year of marriage, even though it was challenging,” Colleen says.

“I think that we’re a lot stronger and closer than where we were a year ago, which I’m very happy with. I just appreciate him for not running and sticking with it,” she adds. “Tears have been shed through this whole process. I’m glad where I am. I’m a stronger woman. Now, I have this amazing marriage and I’m really proud of Matt, especially.”

The couple tells their parents that they want a family, but not right away because they still want to travel. “I think you guys make an incredible couple, and y’all are going to make great babies,” Matt’s mom tells them, offering the advice, “Marriage takes work.”

In a later scene, the happy couple talks about house hunting together.

Alexa and Brennon: Still Married — And Pregnant?

Alexa and Brennon: Still Married — And Pregnant?
Alexa and Brennon: Still Married — And Pregnant?

Alexa and Brennon are probably the strongest couple to come out of Season 3, and they’re doing better than ever — so good, that they might be expecting their first child together?

In a final scene, Brennon gives Alexa a birthday present: A baby onesie that says “Baby Lemieux.” When Alexa opens the gift, she says, “Coming in 2023.”

That said, it remains unclear if they’re actually expecting, or just planning to have a baby in the near future. (And on their social media, they haven’t made any official announcement.) On the show, Alexa says she wants five kids.

Of course, viewers got to see Alexa’s fan-favorite family on “After the Altar” during a joint Shabbat dinner. Clearly, Netflix knows fans would be upset to not have an update from her father.

“Being married is great. You have your best friend who is always there with you and life is so much better doing it with someone else,” Alexa says.

Off camera, the couple has continued to make news. Alexa revealed that they don’t have a prenup, saying in a recent Instagram story, “It’s something Brennon brought up and asked about getting one to protect me … It’s just something that I wasn’t interested in doing.” And after internet sleuths unearthed a former police report that claimed Brennon assaulted an ex-girlfriend in 2021 before filming “Love Is Blind,” he declined the allegations on his social media, emphasizing that the charges were dropped and a grand jury did not indict him.

Raven and SK: Broken Up (And It’s Messy)

Raven and SK: Broken Up (And It’s Messy)
Raven and SK: Broken Up (And It’s Messy)

SK and Raven are the roller-coaster couple of the season. After he said “I do not” at the altar, the couple broke up. But then, they got back together and were going strong as a long-distance couple, while SK was in school.

“After the Altar” starts off with SK and Raven happier than ever. “Raven makes me feel unstoppable every time I think about her,” SK says. “I love her dearly and I do not want to lose her.”

SK goes ring shopping on the final episode, and proposes to Raven on-camera with an elaborate rooftop proposal decorated with flowers and candles.

As for their happy ending? Not so fast. A few months later, their engagement ended.

Raven shares her side of the story, telling viewers through tears that SK cheated on her and “it really sucks.” (SK did not appear on-camera to share his side of the story.)

“My world is completely different because SK cheated on me, and now our relationship is over,” says Raven. “It’s so crazy to watch it back and remember my feelings then, and like, I was so happy. I really was so invested in the person that everyone saw and everyone loved. That’s the person that I saw and I loved everyday, too, so to see everything that has happened since then is so hard because that was not the person that I thought I was with.”

“It’s a blessing in disguise,” she continues. “I still believe in love…and I know that it’s coming for me.”